A cautionary tale via chat log copy/paste (names removed, spelling improved):
Thesis statement:
Victim > concord just popped my Gila for nothing i blow up a wreck from our ratting I’m in same corp and fleet and that blasted me
Gut reaction:
3ICE > Was your Safety not enabled? (green) That normally would have prevented this.
I don’t recommend playing with Partial (yellow) safety and never with it Disabled
Victim > no. that shouldn’t matter anyway we in same fleet it was just as much my wreck to blow up
3ICE > Salvaging others’ wrecks? Yes. But shooting them? No
I mean it really is silly to penalize if the contents have already been taken. You should be allowed to shoot them then
that’s no worse than ninja salvaging it (which is allowed)
But if you actually destroyed someone else’s loot inside the wreck, concord will intervene
Victim > it was our wreck anyway … cost me 400 mill
3ICE > why would someone use weapons fire to blow up a wreck though?
3ICE > fire salvage beam at it instead, get bonus resources
Victim > speeds up mtu when just flying through lvl3s
3ICE > can you explain what that means? I did a whole bunch of Googling but do not understand
Bystander > I’m not sure … i couldn’t find anything either
An hour later inspiration strikes…
3ICE > Omg I just realized
wrecks are difficult to pull, they are heavy
cargo pods are lighter, so:
MTU can tractor beam + loot a tiny Cargo Container much faster than a battleship wreck
This discards salvage but does keep some of the loot intact. Right?
Was I trolled?
Firstly, being in the same corp doesn’t matter, if corp friendly fire is illegal, and being in the same fleet doesn’t change Concord mechanics. As far as Concord are concerned, firing on a wreck which you don’t own is equivalent to firing on a ship you don’t own. ‘Victim’ should certainly have had safety on at least yellow for a non-criminal activity to prevent accidents like this from happening. Having corp friendly fire on, or dueling his partner would also have allowed him to destroy his partner’s property.
Note that this mechanic is independent from the wreck ‘lootable flag’ mechanic. A white wreck (which you have rights to loot from) is still owned by the person who killed the rat. A blue abandoned wreck is still owned by the person who killed the rat. Attacking either if you don’t have rights to attack the owner will get you Concorded in highsec.
speeds up mtu when just flying through lvl3s
I assume this means, he intends to kill all wrecks without loot, so the tractor beam does not waste time pulling them in. He has no interest in salvaging.
3ICE > Omg I just realized
wrecks are difficult to pull, they are heavy
cargo pods are lighter, so:
MTU can tractor beam + loot a tiny Cargo Container much faster than a battleship wreck
That is incorrect, tractor beams (MTUs and modular versions) pull all tractorable items at the same speed regardless of size or mass. Shooting a wreck completely destroys all loot it contains. So, as above, I surmise that he was shooting empty wrecks and not salvaging.
You were trolled. Either that, or the individual is a moron (which would not be a surprise).
MTUs (of all kinds) have a set speed at which they pull objects. It doesn’t matter if the object is a Cargo Container, an NPC pirate rat wreck, player wreck, or even a structure wreck. It will always pull them at the speed that is listed.
He wanted to destroy the empty wrecks, so that the MTU does not waste time pulling the empty wreck to the MTU, and then depositing nothing into the MTU, because it is empty.
I do this sometimes as well. I did this mistake too, and lost a rokh thanks to it, way back when i was still an idiot and green.
If you cant afford the ISK, dont increase the risk.
He should be salvaging the wreaks, in most cases you’ll get more isk from them than the low level loot you get, and the very low m3 of the salvage means you can transport it in small ships for a high return.
I’m guessing OP hasn’t even bother to check the markets for salvage.