Disney changed the name of slave one.
Entire programming languages like python also dropped the terms master and slave.
And yeah most mmos won’t let you have it in your name anymore lol
Disney changed the name of slave one.
Entire programming languages like python also dropped the terms master and slave.
And yeah most mmos won’t let you have it in your name anymore lol
Nothing I said would stop players from returning.
That’s the thing. Not all characters were actually played. You remember ever little character you made in every MMO and never did anything with?
No, it wouldn’t. You’d make a new name and move on. Just like, if you start a new character and the name is taken you’d make a new one. Just like you’d make a new avatar if you came back after 15 years. Especially if you never even played the character. Looking at the info this person likely never actually played the game. 18 years ago a character was made, entered the game in a pod and then that person logged off and never logged on with that character ever again. These are the kind of characters whose names should be purged.
Of course. I’m NOT talking about people who actual play, but people who don’t. This isn’t life or death. If a name is taken you choose another. But the principle of the matter remains: If some random character was created and immediately ditched decades ago they shouldn’t be able to hold on to names when there are active customers who might want them.
Why would you be concerned about decade old accounts not being logged into?
I think there is something else going on that you don’t want found out.
except ccp will not change a name, or at least an offensive one once its been changed to “caldari citizen xxyyddd”
i disagree about changing someones name just cause they hadn’t been here in 5-10 yrs… how many people do you see coming back from 10 yrs for whatever reason they had to step away…
Yeah they dropped it because people who aren’t affected by any of these things want to be offended on the behalf of people who couldn’t care less
We shouldn’t be listening to people who are offended on someone elses behalf over dumb things like this
Given your name is your reputation in EVE, losing access to their reputation for taking a break like that would infact put people off, which is why its not going to happen and its why CCP isn’t going to allow name changes
These are 2 very different scenarios, and yes, it very much would, if i took a decade long break then came back to find out CCP had wiped away my name and someone else had been using it to ruin my reputation then yes i would not be looking to come back
Its not the same as creating something from scratch that doesn’t have an existing reputation and is brand new, yes you don’t get your preferred name but you aren’t then losing that name to someone else once you’ve already been using it
I don’t think it’s a bad idea, but I’d tweak it a little bit. I know I created a character right after EVE came out, then life happened and I walked away from the game before coming back to it nearly 20 years later. I couldn’t even begin to guess what my original character’s name is, or even what email I used to create that account.
That said, we have people in my corp who had to go through customer service to have their character pulled out of some kind of archive because it had been so long since they last played. Players can and do come back to characters after a decade or more.
What I’d like to see is a manual review of accounts that haven’t been accessed in 20 years. Try sending out “ping” emails inviting those accounts back. If you get “this email doesn’t exist” errors, delete the account. I would think it would be worth it to trim that sort of dead weight, but I’m sure there are technical and other considerations I’m not aware of, because I don’t work for or run an MMORPG.
Edited to add: I also wouldn’t mind if, when a character is deleted, all of their stuff was spewed out into space. I think it’d make for interesting frenzies.
I’m fully in support of changing character names that haven’t logged in for over 10+ years. They can change people’s names at the click of a button for offensive reasons so it shouldn’t be hard. Same system just change it to “amarr citizen 3435979” bla bla bla like usual.
There is no reputation if you never played. You certainly have no rep if you’ve never undocked or you’re an average player and haven’t logged in since 2010 or prior. The overwhelming vast majority of players do not have a “reputation”. I am talking about people who just make characters and never do anything with them. You keep clinging to the same tired strawman argument, as if I’m suggesting Cribba’s name should be purged or Mike Azariah (if he took a hiatus).
In the same way I want to be able to immediately delete a brand new character. Why should we have to wait 10ish hours to delete a character that is 10 seconds old? I repeat for the Nth time, this is in regard to characters with no actual history. I’m not talking about people who actually invested time in the characters.
Agree to disagree i guess, but its not happening because of those reasons regardless of it you agree with them or not
100% false.
You can submit a ticket and they can change it.
I did it once.
I’m against this. Anybody who has subbed is a paying customer. They shouldn’t have their account tampered with for the sake of another paying customer, even if they’re not using it and have no immediate intent to use it.
If it were a trial account, especially one with less a very small amount of playtime on it, then the same logic doesn’t hold. I’m still against the idea in that case, but more for the sake of the nostalgia I hear from returning players.
Big picture, it’s a band-aid at best, there’s no guarantee the name you want is on an “unused” character who can be conveniently shoved aside. There are still plenty of names out there, don’t go into a twenty-year-old game expecting your favorite one to still be on the table. There are also plenty of toons out there that are used exclusively for scanning, trading, hauling, baiting or other purposes that never gain sec status or leave the NPC corp
I biomassed my character, and a couple of years later I regretted it and wanted it back, but it was already squatted by someone else. I didn’t know character names became available again to other players after deleting them.
I just came back after a 16 year break, so I’d be pretty annoyed if my name had been changed when I finally logged back in.
That said, I’d be ok with this as a policy as long as it was limited to accounts that were active for 3 months or less and then were abandoned at least 2 years ago. That should catch the people who tried and didn’t like it and spy alts that were used for a couple weeks during a war. I wouldn’t support just changing any account that’s been idle, because a lot of us DO come back after years-long breaks.
git changed the default branch from “master” to “main”.
I did not get interested why, but it seems it’s because the term master has erroneous meanings, as the first branch is not more important than another and can be removed without a problem.
If it was an offensive name they wont. Especially in regards to selling said citizen xx
I agree with that.
BUT…if it’s NOT offensive, in some situations, they will change it.
Good God!
Where did you dig that old fossil up?
Mr Epeen
If it’s not happening, it’s because CCP personnel are lazy. Not because of anything you’ve stated, most of which is an argument against your own strawman.
Of course there are plenty of names. You just choose another. But it’s not about me. There is a broader principle. People who have no avatar have none because they haven’t logged in since 2010. There are accounts that have been inactive since then and earlier. Characters simply created and never looked at ever again on forgotten accounts. If they want to cling to those names they would be free to log-in with any character (game is F2P now) they would like to keep in response to the mass email CCP would send. Like every other MMO does.
Then do that instead of asking the devs to waste more time on something you want.
Then give it up and invent a name that’s not taken. There are billions of potential combinations.