Then why can’t you ? There’s literally thousands of creative names anyone could come up with. And if a specific name is ‘taken’…you could always try the old trick of replacing ‘e’ with a 3 or ‘i’ with a 1, and so on. There’s also no end of old Latin phrases, or…using a play on words like when I created Cilla Cybin.
Its not about being lazy, i mean you’re free to bash on them however you like but its factually untrue, they have already cleared names in the past and creating the script to do it would take about 20 minutes
Its not about effort
Yes, those characters haven’t logged in, but that doesn’t mean much, i have alts on accounts that haven’t themselves logged in for years, the account however is still very much active
And then there is another thing that you’re not aware of, what if the account hasn’t logged in because the player has passed and the character is now one of the few memorials their friends and family now have left, would you want someone coming in and removing any traces that remain of a loved one you had lost?
At the end of the day, there are far more reasons to not remove character names than there are valid arguments to remove them
That’s stretching it and it’s a bs point. I can’t believe you’d say… never mind.
As if the only trace they’d have is in an online game! First there is the headstone and tomb itself, second there are pictures, third there are clothes, jewelry and other personal effects and fourth there are the children themselves who are living proof that the deceased did exist!
You’d throw everything in including the kitchen sink just to have a point!
This isn’t the case for those in the EVE community that knew them through EVE. We live in an age where we can become good friends with people who live on the opposite sides of the world. These connections are very real. There are tons of players who have lost loved ones in EVE Online. You are belittling their feelings and memories.
If those connections had been real for a specific case there would’ve been sharing of emails, adding on Discord, Facebook, Instagram, X, Tic-Tok WhatsApp whatever and pictures shared.
If not then those connections were fake.
“Loved ones” is used for family members brothers/sisters husbands/wives. A friend is not a loved one even if there is love in the connection.
I’m belittling nothing but good try at making me out to be heartless, Mr. Malice.
So, the in game memorial exists for a reason. Weve had lots of folks pass on who have over time in EVEs existance created relationships with others, whether they became in person or not, through fanfests etc.
Loved ones can mean anyone who had a deep connection with another.
Ive seen plenty of times, RL partners of players who passed on, come here and talk about the connections their person made and how meaningful they were.
So no, i will never agree with your heartless idea of purging names, or their history.
You are correct, I just looked it up in the dictionary and it said “… or a close friend.”
Thanks for making me check it.
As I’ve posted before, I don’t agree with that purge. If someone cannot come up with an original name then they will have real trouble playing this game anyway.
I had an online friend that I only knew online, who died around 10 years ago. Their in-game name and profile is literally all that is left. Why should that be removed simply because some un-imaginative person wants that name and is too lazy or un-imaginative to think up another one ?
I’m sorry to know that a person you felt close to left this plane of existence. It’s always harder on the ones who are left behind.
I don’t think that should be removed, even without the sentimental connections that purge OP requests doesn’t have to happen. As I said before, there are literally billions of combinations for an online character name and if someone cannot come up with one maybe he/she has no business playing MMORGs.
Which would indicate laziness, apathy, etc. It simply has nothing to do with anything you’ve stated.
No, you don’t. But, hypothetically, let’s say someone actually had an active account with a character on it that hasn’t been logged into in 14+ years; nothing would stop them from logging in with that character after they received the email. So I’m not sure what ground you have to stand on.
That is your most desperate argument yet. You must really be on the ropes. I’m sorry, but if a random EVE character that was created and never actually played by soandso is the only trace of this deceased person I’d have to question how much anyone ever cared about them. I can’t imagine my dad dying and some random level 2 Night Elf he created and forgot about while playing WOW for 10 minutes on a trial account back in 2009 was all I had to remember him by.
Let me help you. What if that person had a lot of friends in EVE and had a lot of this reputation you talk about? And it had meaningfulness to his former guildmates? That gets into rather CCP would give the family access to the account and if someone would maintain it (like a memorial would be maintained and not just left to rot). Or CCP give it special designation.
And you can’t seem to come up with a single one of these “more reasons”. Are you by chance the arbiter of what is or isn’t a “valid argument”?
And you’re allowed to have that opinion, however i suspect many many people might disagree with you
I think you missed the “not” part, they could do it, they just choose not to because names actually mean something in EVE and all of them are part of a shared history spanning more than 20 years
They aren’t going to just start deleting them because someone wants to re-use the name
No i don’t what? you think i don’t have alts that don’t have portraits because they haven’t been used since before the portrait system changed?
Because i hate to burst your bubble but…
Its not a hypothetical though
So it would appear i infact have all of the ground to stand on and that you are currently making incorrect assumptions about what other people do or do not have
YOu’ve still yet to provide a valid reason for why this would need to happen in the first place
I mean, you’re free to think that, doesn’t change the actual outcome though so no skin off my nose if you don’t want to accept it
Firstly, no, account sharing is actually a violation of the terms of service so the family couldn’t be granted access to it, CCP also isn’t going to be requesting copies of death certificates in order to prove that someone actually died in order to flag the account so that it doesn’t get renamed because you seemingly pointlessly want names freed up
I’ve given you multiple reasons in this thread, you not liking those answers is neither here nor there, it doesn’t change that i’ve provided more reasons for why they shouldn’t be removed than you have valid reasons for them to be removed