I can’t miss what isn’t there, you can keep calling them all of the above as many times as you like, it does not however make it true no matter how many times you repeat this to yourself
I mean i’m on the side of the discussion that reflects what currently happens and what will continue to happen, if you want to think that this is the losing side then you can, but again it doesn’t actually make it true
You can believe it all you want, its factually untrue and i have a character on this account that has not logged in to the game since before the portrait system was changed, you don’t have to like it and you don’t have to believe it but that won’t stop it being true
Not sure how account sharing and leaving a character and account intact does that, you do know you don’t need to login to a memorial account right? its something you look at and you can look at the character without logging in to it, so i’m unsure what you seem to think is going on lol
I have, you again dislike those because they don’t agree with you, but as i’ve said multiple times now, your acceptance isn’t a requirement for a factual truth to be true
They would have to be, at the least, apathetic (i.e. showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern) about a name purge. If they simply don’t care to do it that would make them apathetic. All you need to remember is that it has nothing to do with anything you’ve stated.
You’re losing this discussion (i.e. you are incapable of providing any reason against my proposal). But I think you understand this. There are no sides when it comes to the default state of the game or CCP’s decision making. Neither of us has any power or say in that regard. It’s like saying you’re on the side of poor kids going to bed hungry. That’s just the current state of affairs for the poor.
And I will. Because it’s the truth. Nice try though. I bet you used MS Paint. Did you use MS Paint? He used MS Paint, guys. Anyway, irrelevant red herring. Anyone actively signing in on their account wouldn’t have their names purged anyway.
There is no such thing as a “memorial account”, as you have unintentionally made clear. It’s a hypothetical. If no one can rest control of an account, as you have stated they cannot, it’s bound for a name purge unless CCP exempts it. Therefore, you answered your own question in regard to your own strawman. You get a gold star. Pat yourself on the back, buddy.
Not that it matters, as this scenario of yours has no bearing on characters created and instantly abandoned. I would think anyone so beloved by the community would have more than 55K or 384K SP. Certainly more than 5M, right?
I am for X. You are against X. So obviously I’m not in favor of that which is against my interest. And you are against that which is against your own interest. Again, this is neither here nor there. I hate onions. You love them. But me hating onions isn’t an argument for why onions should be banned. You’ve only ever expressed your dislike for my proposal. Not once have you ever given a succinct rational for why a name purge, as I’ve laid out, isn’t feasible. You even dodged the question yet again.
Go ahead. Give us a reason. We’re all waiting with bated breath.
They show no interest because its not something that really happens in EVE, names have meaning here, anyone can come back at any time so they have no reason to need to purge names or accounts, its not about a lack of interest, it has been considered, and it has been decided that this is not the way they want to do things
That just doesn’t happen to line up with what you want them to do
Oh i’ve provided reasons, the issue is, they are reasons you don’t agree with so as far as you’re concerned they don’t count, but, and here is the kicker, it doesn’t matter if you don’t agree with them or if you don’t like them because its ultimately up to CCP and they have decided they don’t want to do name purges
And yet you think there are winners and losers? because by that logic neither of us can win or lose because neither of us has any power here so neither of us can affect the outcome, so neither of us can win or lose, so are we powerless or am i losing? you ultimately can’t actually have both of those be true
I mean, its factually not but you are free to believe that to be the case all you want, CCP can quite happily see the truth of the matter and that ultimately is all that really matters, you’re free to think what you like
There is no official designation of “memorial account” correct, but there doesn’t actually need to be for them to still be memorials to the players who played on them
Except there won’t be a name purge, i know this, you know this
None of this affects me, thats the thing, i don’t have a vested interest in this, i am just stating the reasons why it won’t happen
Except i have, numerous times, they are, as i’ve also said numerous times, just answers you don’t like so you don’t count them, but as i have also pointed out, your acceptance isn’t a requirement for truth
Much like people who think the earth is flat or that gravity isn’t real, their belief in something does not change objective reality
Go back and re-read the thread, although this will require you to be able to accept things you don’t agree with, so we also both know that won’t happen either
That’s not how proper discussion works. You’re the one making a proposal…it is down to you to demonstrate why it is reasonable and feasible. You can’t just demand that your proposals are reasonable and anyone who disagrees is a fool. And don’t bring ‘rational’ into it…as ( to quote your own example ) there’s nothing ‘rational’ about whether a person likes onions or not.
At the end of the day you’re expressing a personal opinion. So expect others to not share that opinion.
The people I genuinely feel sorry for are the ones with names like Noob Miner. Yes, such names actually exist. Though it is likely split between genuine noob miners and 15 year old baiters in battle Ventures.
As I’ve followed this thread, I’ll give my answer to your question.
I can understand your position on this issue. I waited, I think, two years, for a name, and was lucky it was released in the name purge mentioned earlier in the thread. I snagged it at that time for a character. So, I do understand.
But, I can think of three or four reasons why CCP would not do this, too.
There is no big push among players for this, despite your posting this thread. This is just not a hot issue.
To do this requires discussion and work. What discussion? Cut-offs, for one. Just exactly what names get the axe. I can see CCP committees being formed just to argue about that.
While those are somewhat humorous issues, on a more serious note to answer the question:
The Molea Cemetery. https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/tribute-to-the-fallen
The cemetery has transcended it’s original purpose and crossed into “real life” memorializing. You can go, and see for yourself. Yes, there are cans for pets, and family members, and friends; but, there are cans to EVE characters. If character names get “released”, based on ingame activity, or lack thereof; well, Molea presents a very practical complication that would need discussion as CCP has favored this ingame activity and bothered to make a permanent memorial. Who’s to judge the player who placed a can for a character? Or to say a character must perform “x” amount of activities to be deserving of a memorial. Yes, Molea presents a complication.
Players have EVE forum posting alts. These alts use the forums, sometimes become notorious doing that. Those alts probably never undock, don’t skill, may get posting privileges banned. So, if you release one of those names and some new player chooses that name in all innocence, that player may experience “blow-back”, without understanding why. Players search, this forum, the prior EVE forum, and the forum before. I personally have bookmarks for threads on the original EVE forums. So, while it’s unlikely, people still get struck by lightning, a new player could pick a notorious name. How would CCP guard against that? And would they need to? At this point, see reason #2, i.e. CCP committees and discussion.
Time wasters.
Anyway, my two cents on this matter, even though I have personally benefitted in the past from what you propose for the future.
Just a fyi, i seem to recall that some older eve forums have been 404’ed (not the one before this) so whatever bookmarks you have, some may not work now)
So basically you have nothing (i.e. cricket chirps), but the same “what if” scenarios that don’t even pertain to what I put forth. More of you arguing against your own strawmen and ducking addressing my actual proposal. You are dismissed, sir.
I mean you are free to think what you like i guess, at the end of the day the reasons don’t need to satisfy you, they need to satisfy CCP, and i’m confident that they do
It’s the principle of the matter: Current active players being limited by accounts and characters made in passing decades ago. Accounts that were dead on arrival. Me personally, I find that kind of ridiculous. Just like having to wait 10 hours to delete a 10 second old character. This isn’t some new idea. It’s happened before in EVE, right? It happens in most, if not all, MMO’s that have been around long enough. The wheel isn’t being reinvented here.
Yes, apathy.
However, being apathetic is just a state of mind. It’s not, in itself, a reason why a name purge is not practical or feasibly.
Any account that hasn’t been signed into in over 10 years with under 5M SP. It seems simple enough to me. Any account with a name that has made an impact on EVE akin to a Chribba, Katia Sae, Space Pope, etc. could be put on an exemption list. They could make exemptions for anything really. Everyone gets an email informing them of the coming purge. Three months’ time is allotted to sign in to the associated account.
What am I missing?
No, it doesn’t. Respectfully, I’ve already been over this. This scenario ignores the premise I’ve presented. Hence, you are not addressing my position, but one of your own creation. All those characters who made those friends and formed those relationships were not created and instantly abandoned. Those people actually played EVE with those characters. They were known entities by those names. They didn’t create their character and then instantly tossed it aside and forgot it. I’m saying the whole account has be to inactive. Not just any one character on the account.
Perhaps you can understand my frustration when someoone says, “As I’ve followed this thread”, and then proceeds to present the same strawman arguments that have already been refuted.
Okay, so the owners of such names, if they don’t want to lose them, just sign-in to the associated account. Problem solved.
One would surmise that any notorious forum poster would be active and not some forgotten relic that no one has heard from in 10+ years (nor ever heard of in the first place). So they would secure their forum alt’s name if they want to maintain whatever forum status they have. I doubt that would be necessary anyway because everyone I see has an avatar (i.e. the character, and hence the associated account, has been logged into the game in the past 10 years). The forums we have now started in 2017. Who are these notorious forum users with no avatar?
But getting into hypotheticals, if some newcomer gets “struck by lightning” and somehow find themselves being harassed over a name in-game then they can either abandon that name or deal with it (until it sorts itself out seeing as their creation date will show they are new). That whole scenario - people in-game harassing someone over a name that has not actually been in-game since Obama’s first term - seems like a stretch.
What happened in regard to the forums during the last purge? What percentage of the EVE playerbase do you believe is active on the forums?
Just think of an original name. Why is this difficult for you? You want a name someone else thought up first and for CCP to take it away because you deem it so?
Ridiculous. I get what you are asking…but it’s just not going to happen and arguing and trying to justify it serves no purpose. Be original. Think of something yourself.
If you want to mention names in Eve, what about dead corps?
@Zena_Xena you recently returned after 14 yrs away. How would you have reacted if after 10 yrs, ccp changed your name to faction-citizen-234243434343 ?
Personally I find it ridiculous that you can’t just think up another good name and have to devote multiple lengthy posts to changing Eve just because there’s some name you are obsessed with.
There are literally thousands of good names that remain untaken.
Not only that, but it is quite easy to create a slightly altered version of a name. For example with a name with ‘Angel’ in it you could convert to ‘Ang3l’ or something like that. I did just that with one of my alts. A simple conversion table…