Can we get a name purge of 10+ year old one and done trial accounts (and the like) with no activity?

next thing we know all our chars get reset.

@Iceacid_Frostpacker thats not entirely true, if you biomass you keep the name and you can ask CCP to bring your biomassed char back to life.

To release the name you need to biomass ask a dev to bring it back then biomass it again and its deleted forever I have a char like that who was infamous so it was the only way to start again with a clean slate.

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Not sure where you get that from but if you biomass a character then you or anyone else can make a character with that name and recovering from doomheim is not something they generally tend to do.

Character terminations are final. While the Player Experience may be able to restore a deleted character once in exceptional cases, such characters are always restored ‘as is’, usually just the character and his trained skills with no assets whatsoever. The Player Experience Team will not be able to recover any items lost with the character deletion.

The first time I biomassed mak I could link his name ingame and it would bring up his portrid he stayed like that for over a year and a half. Then asked the dev’s to bring him back from the dead for me but when I got him I realized that I had extracted all the sp from him and gave it all away as isk before quitting the game so I couldn’t do anything on him.

So after a week I decided to biomass him again this time I couldn’t link his name in chat it’s as if he never existed.

No doomheim corp nothing.

Did his name change though? What about his character ID?

Maybe when resurrecting him the ID changed thus the original that was in doomheim no longer exists and you link to the old character or something similar related to character ID.

Either way the official support article and its wording is clear.

The dev/admin was a chill guy he told me that they do unbiomass any character but only once, I guess they don’t make it public knowledge so that they don’t get everyone doing it.

Maybe the only once part has to do with the way its coded as it might change the ID as you say or something along those lines.

I wonder if he meant the once as in per account not per character. :thinking:

It’s possible I mean I can delete this char quick to test.


Maybe the Frostpacker can sacrifice one of his many alts for the greater good. :blush:


Poor guy I think he has sacrificed enough already with all the extortion.

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Well he stated several times he enjoys it both as roleplay and he is a true believer of supporting ganking so it’s not like he is actually forced or wouldn’t send his ISK anyway.

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There’s a wide range of extortion.

Ok, I’ll go $250.00 for Superman :man_superhero:

If I was here stating that Microwave S no longer shows an animation you’d say, “Why can’t you just use Blood Microwave S. There are plenty of other frequency crystals”, because you are merely a contrarian. Any normal person would just ignore the thread at this point as you have nothing more to offer other than “I disagree”, which you’ve already made clear.

It’s not about me. For that I’d have to demand soandso specifically have their name purged. There is no guarantee that the person in question isn’t still active on another account and wouldn’t dig up all their old, abandoned accounts just to keep all their names; No certainty that they didn’t have 5M SP nor that they didn’t log into the associated account in the last decade. And let’s say I had clairvoyance and knew that one of those outcomes would be the case. I would still call for a name purge of all the actual accounts abandoned for over a decade that the creators no longer care about. Because it’s not about me. It’s about the principle, not any personal gain on my part. But you know this already. You’re trolling at this point.

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Any normal person would carry on arguing just as long as you do. If a critic has to keep making the same point over and over…maybe its because the point was never answered.

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or valid…

Making a suggestion is one thing, calling for a change because one deems it so, is another.

Figured I’d just add this to really prove the point.

Even eve echos won’t let you use my name so to sensitive words.

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Maybe they follow the Disney principles.


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