Can we get a new Eve server?

I think we need a new Eve server where pilots can transfer over to. The market it total dog ■■■■, this pvp ■■■■ has simply ruined everything towards exploration and industry.

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I don’t know about that. But a vanilla eve with multi wcs fits, station ping pong, wt15, everyone using lasers due to ammo shortages and drone swarms could be amusing.


Have you tried just playing a different game? You seem to hate the core gameplay that makes EVE EVE.


Yea if WoW can go classic, why not Eve?

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Pvp is the core? If it wasn’t for industry people wouldn’t be able to fly ships to gate camp or blob with.

Man, imagine being this much of a risk averse and spineless carebear.


If there was no PvP, where would be the demand for your supply?


You know that industry (since you sell to people), avoiding combat etc. is still interaction with other people. It’s PvP. Good thing is to google what PvP actually means, because calling PvP only gun fight is very dumb.


If it weren’t for pvp people, anything you produce would have no value because no one is buying it.


What’s the origin of this weird belief that industry belongs solely to people who don’t PvP?

I supply a substantive portion of what is sold on the market in my region, and some of what I make is exported to high sec as surplus.

The idea that industry people are separate from PvPers is wrong, as is the belief that the pure-carebear industrialist is necessary.


(1) Why? Elaborate.
(2) Why? Elaborate. I do acknowledge your use of bad words and assume you are a real badass but besides brawn you need brain.
(3) Learn to get better in exploration, work together in a team. You need morethan just a ship to explore. Learn about it.
Industry is a very large topic, please indicate what industry branches are suffering.



Blackout got rid of the bots, roaming trigs got rid of Highsec AFK and this Halloween event seems to be getting rid of spineless, privileged Care Bears. I for one think CCP are doing a great job…


No, ■■■■ off.


Have you considered playing another game?

The market it total dog ■■■■, this pvp ■■■■ has simply ruined everything towards exploration and industry.

The market, exploration and industry are all PvP, as is any other activity in Eve that places you in competition with others.

TL;DR No, because your head is as empty as a eunuch’s underpants.


He got blapped in his wormhole. I think he mad.

Back then we used lasers because they were OP as hell and you could fit 7 heat sinks without stacking penalty.

Personally I’d go back to around 2009 (for Apocrypha) but with super caps removed.


Wait for Serenity to come back up and jump on that.

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Yes. Eve online is a pvp game where players build and trade stuff to shoot eachother with. Industry is a stepping stone but the ultimate purpose of the game is a big pvp sandbox.

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Fair enough, that was a touch before my mains time. 2009 was nice I agree. I don’t mind super caps, but when it was like 1 then 2 then 1 titan I felt it was better. Firing a DD through a cyno was dumb though.