Can we have a set number of 'protected slots' in our cargo holds please

I thought it’d be really nice to have a Rclick option in our cargo hold area that says “number of protected slots” then you can place any items you always want at the top in those slots. boosters/ammo/probes, whatever.

a) maybe 1-10 slots available? (skill based? - ‘cargo optimisation’ - 2 per skill level)

b) then when you select all and drag your cargo hold contents to somewhere else those ‘protected items’ would remain in their slots. (a mechanism for emptying the protected slots would be required too)

c) putting in more items of that type would stack with the protected items already in the cargo hold. the items would just grow in number if you collect items on your travels.

an extra request:
can we also have a cargo hold total volume and volume left or used always visible in any open cargo hold please? - the little red bar at the top of the cargo hold is not very helpful.

thanks o/

Hover over the little red bar for numerical details

Also, in the settings you can uncheck “compact” and the bar will be thicker with numbers inside


It’s not a perfect solution, but you can employ filters to exclude certain items from what you select. For example, if you always wanted your MTU to stay put, you could set up a filter to exclude your MTU, then activate it whenever you’re transferring cargo out of your cargo hold.


oooh thanks i did not know that!

Eve’s UI is part treasure hunt tbf

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Photon is so easy to use. /s

In the old UI, the compact design didn’t hide these essential information bits from view. It was the better UI in this many, many other regards.

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Filters are pretty damn good for what you want to do here.


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