Title says “we” but I’ll admit that it’s probably just me.
I want some sort of module that is a deviation of Titan’s Boson that works roughly like this:
- On activation you have to manually aim where you want to shoot
- The module will wind up, mark the targeted area, immobilize your ship and after 10 seconds it will fire off a lazor beam toward selected angle
- The beam’s effective aoe should be like a cylinder, with radius of 1 km, reaching out to 200 km away, and dealing 6000 or 60000 damage, something like that.
- 30 seconds cooldown after that, once it’s up ship is no longer immobilized and the module can be used again.
Oh and make it so equipping it cost 50% of your CPU/PG, maybe.
Dunno how would it tip the meta or game balance, but I like the idea of having to predict / manual aim is all.