Can you please fix

Thats the great thing about the interface people call ugly, old or hard to use, its actually pretty flexible for all kinds of people.


This is really neat, Iā€™m always looking for ways of making things more efficient and what you are doing might be one. One of the problems Iā€™ve run into is that by making things easier to get at I seem to wind up with too many windows open and since I play on a laptop Iā€™m constantly running out of space. Stacking windows so they have tabs hasnā€™t worked very well so I usually donā€™t do that unless itā€™s stuff like chat windows. Things I need for flying, seeing whatā€™s around me, and doing stuff like aligning, targeting and warping I need right on top all the time. Thatā€™s where I use the selected items window a lot.
Iā€™ve tried a lot of other peopleā€™s overviews, but finally settled on my own which is mostly the default with some things added and some colors changed. Because Iā€™m on a laptop the overview usually requires scrolling to see a lot of whatā€™s on it, so things like the next gate being deselected are really irritating.
I also usually have it set to display stuff by distance and have the Dscan window doing the same.
I prefer to use the mouse as little as possible, but have found command keys are unreliable at best, and that some simply donā€™t work at all (D for docking sometimes works, but itā€™s also supposed cause you to jump, it doesnā€™t). Some of this is a mater of window focus, using V to trigger Dscan for example only works if your mouse is in the right place and you have clicked in the window you need or in space. If you ever see me say ā€œvvvvvvvvvvvvvā€ in chat, that means Iā€™m frantically trying to find something.
When I was really really new I had a lot of trouble with Dscan and the people teaching me how to use it got pretty aggravated. I figured out on my own that using the V key and clicking stuff in space, the overview, or on the map would point your cone at the object you were clicking on. I later found out that the people teaching me Dscan didnā€™t know this was possible and were aligning their ships to the places they wanted to scan, something I didnā€™t understand at all. When I explained what I found they didnā€™t believe me at first, but when they tried it they freaked out. This made me wonder about a lot of things, some of these people had been playing for a really long time. What other advice had I gotten that was making stuff harder?

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