Cannot add Omega time with PLEX and NES store is unavailable

On Singularity right now it seems most people (but not everyone for some reason) are having trouble adding Omega Game time or accessing the New Eden Store.

on the server singularity I can not switch to omega, paid by plexes and NES does not work

I’m having the same issue. I was able to play on my account with Omega for several hours before logging out and back in. After I logged my Omega time lapsed. The store is unavailable so i cannot reactivate the account on Singularity.

While we work on a fix for this, please try clearing your settings if you are getting the store behaving like OP*s pic above (and then do not sort it by price if it reappears).

You could also try a fix that worked for me - call someone over to your machine so they can see how it’s broken, and it might just start working again…

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The work around to this is manually search the new eden store for omega you will then be able to use your plex to get omega status. I had this issue a few days ago.

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The store isn’t working for everyone either unfortunately - looking into it.

I logged on today and was still unable to open the store. I cleared all settings and then was able to. I then searched for Omega and was able to purchase it resolving my issue. Seems like it’s related the settings some how.

Instead of clearing settings I’ve found it’s easier to make a new blank profile in the EVE launcher, then log into that and use the NES, then log back out and switch back to your profile.

It’s been a long time since I’ve logged into SiSi. Today I tried jumpping on sisi to do some testing with the new game content. However, upon login I was greeted with a message that my omega account was now an alpha account and I needed to purchase Omega time. What’s going on with this? This account has never been alpha.

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