If an alpha account with more than 5.5m SP has SP in Omega skills, the skillpoints can be extracted using a skill extractor.
If an alpha account with more than 5.5m SP has SP in unallocated skillpoints, the skillpoints cannot be extracted using a skill extractor.
This is because you cannot actually inject the unallocated SP into the Omega skills, thus leaving you with no way to extract it. CCP should change it so you can either inject SP into Omega skills on Alpha accounts, or extract SP directly from the unallocated SP pool.
Whilst we’re at it is there any way we can apply some pressure to the BBC to prevent them broadcasting tennis simultaneously on both BBC1 and BBC2? I mean what the hell am I paying for when I buy my license?
I’m sorry, but the whole situation is becoming quite intolerable.
“You cannot perform this action because your account has been placed under restrictions by the security team. Please contact customer support for more information.”