Can't log to the Singularity server

Hi everyone, new to the forum.
To play Tranquility server with 28691 players is available for me as of 14.12.2017 6pm42, but for the Singularity server with 383 players not possible, it says “Invalid username / password”.
Do I need to change something in my regular profile ?
Do I need to load the launcher in dev mode or beta mode ?
Version of the EVE launcher:
english release = 1183418.2630
english beta = 1222103.2631
english development = 1222103.2631

By the way, I’m Alpha account if it helps.

If you’re an alpha, you won’t have access to SiSi.

If you’re new and Omega, it takes a while to gain access because the database on SiSi is only updated a few times a year.

There is a test server forum where you can request access:

Ok, thanks for the reply, I’ll understand now.

Great game by the way.

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