I would like to point out that it is always necessary to consider who is actually asking for a nerf to cloaks, or rather, who is complaining. The content in my post is completely based on what is written in the thread.
The ones who whine the most …
… are the same people who dock up the instant a neutral comes in, assuming there is no afk cloaker in the system of course, because then they do not even undock.
… are the same people who continuously try to find new reasons for why it needs to be changed. As soon as they find a good one, they stick to it until they have to give up. Then they jump onto the next reason.
… are the same people who rent from bigger alliances, which most often appears to mean they are unable to defend the space they live in. They also wrongly declare it “their” space, while all they are is scrubs paying ISK for even more ISK. They own nothing, especially because they can not defend it.
… are the same people who apparently do nothing but farming isk, which means they have no actual value to the game. All they do is funding the alliance they rent from, or whatever they need the ISK for. It is unreasonable to assume that they accumulate isk for the sake of it, at least for a prolonged amount of time.
… are most likely botters/renters. The reasons are obvious. The afk cloaker is the only guy who disturbs their isk making. When ships behave like bots (docking the instant a neutral enters), then the chances are very high that they actually ARE controlled by bots. Alliance-protected nullsec space is perfect for RMTers, as there is no chance of them ever losing anything, which would translate into hurting their real-life-bottom line.
A reasonable person unable to play a game the way they want would leave the game. Considering that these people do nothing but farming isk in amounts beyond usability, and considering that “the afk cloaker keeps them from” doing the single thing they want to do, anyone staying and complaining must have an ulterior motive.
There are actual alliances out there having no issues with afk cloakers, and their people are in the vast majority compared to those whining.
There is a minority of people continuously creating controversy, attempting to make the whole topic look like it’s a huge issue. Same goes for wars, ganking and bumping, btw.
Given all of the above, it is absolutely save to say that the argument of the whiners that they want to be able to hunt the afk cloaker is completely bogus. It is not true. It is the same logic when it comes to structures and wars. These people assume that, if there was a structure, the target corp would attack the structure … which is complete nonsense, because those who do not want to fight will not fight and giving incentives does not lead anywhere and just exposes the idea as bad game design.
What the renters are trying to achieve is that the afk cloaker could be hunted by their “big brothers”. Not by them. There is zero reason to assume that they would ever, ever try to engage literally anyone, because there is zero evidence that they’re even trying.
Lies. Pretty much everything that crowd comes up with are lies, and it is all because of real money. That is the ONLY sane reason why this topic never, ever dies and why they always, always try to keep it going.
The “solution” to the imaginary problem of afk cloaking is simple:
Ban renters.