Capitals and Low-Sec: An abusive relationship

I don’t have any particular issue, in theory, with your grand visions of how space should be partitioned and regulated. And if you were designing your own game, I’d say go for it. My issue in practice is, you are superimposing your grand visions of how this is supposed to work onto EVE when it in fact wasn’t made to work this way.

It used to be the ‘wild west’ everywhere, where anything goes everywhere. Then people screamed and got high-sec put into the game, dictating a certain set of mechanics and rules there. Then people screamed and got capships banned from highsec, which is a huge burden to the so-called ‘independent owner-operator’ (not a member of a large nullsec cartel). Capships already, for the most part, can’t be used or even transported into most wormholes. Now you are agitating for them to be removed from lowsec altogether, or nerfed out of the game.

Once they are banned from lowsec, the only people who can own them are the big nullsec cartels. So the only way to fly one will be to join up with those guys. For those of us who don’t want to join up with Goons or whoever, we’ll have two choices: 1) Join up anyway, or 2) Quit the game. Thanks for forcing that decision on us. I just wanted to play a fun game and have fun doing it, and now I won’t be able to.

Yeah, that’s what I thought too. Thanks for making that not possible for me.

Funny thing is, the way I described it is how it used to be. Nothing new in my description. If anything, it is just out-dated.

And I can say exactly the same to you sir.

By dictate from CCP? Or it just happened organically from player agency? That’s two different things.

I’m not the one trying to get rules changed to nerf or ban playstyles I don’t like out of the game.

So wanting to see more diverse PVP opportunities for everyone is a selfish thing, all of a sudden? Thanks a bunch.

Can’t you see anything of what we have discussed might be bad for the general PVP engagement diversity in the long run? Taking the other threads, we have been taking over, into account as well.

Yeah, I love the way you spin that. “So [INSERT NICE-SOUNDING THING THAT NO ONE DISAGREES WITH] is a selfish thing, all of a sudden?” You should be a politician, LOL.

Anyway - yes, absolutely. What you are doing is very selfish.

It was supposed to be “open sandbox” and “player agency” blah blah. Now it’s “sculpt the game to the selfish taste of whatever group of players can grab the ear of the Devs.”

And by the way. I have spent 90% of my EVE time in lowsec or nullsec, over years of playing. The number of times I’ve been dropped on by a capship? A sum total of zero. This means that a minority of players with a particular playstyle are the ones getting dropped on, and are wanting to get the rules changed to get the entire game to cater to them.

So what you’re saying is…

  1. Fly a tiny nano cancer with insta align
  2. Talk trash from safety net of plex like puss
  3. Fight only things tiny nano cancer can
  4. Don’t even think about flying something more fun or get hot dropped

PS sliding is gone.

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So… The 3 times I’ve been dropped while in a small cruiser/battlecruiser fleet, with numerous capitals and supers or a titan, in the past 3 months, count for nothing?

Look. I don’t expect to win you over. I wish I had access to Tranquility stats to prove or disprove these issues.
And yeah. I want to make some changes, but the changes that I am wanting to discuss might limit you a bit in low sec, but would create a lot of opportunity for smaller entities to grow and have fun.

Unregulated freedom as you preach you love is anarchy. And anarchy leads to imbalance and exploitation.
Just take the markets of New Eden.
Totally uncontrolled in many ways, however the types of transactions you can make is extremely limited.
Those limits are helping the markets to be free, with limited exploits. (And the exploits there are are pretty obvious.)
In this perspective it is obvious, that limits and regulation can create and protect freedom of choice, for everyone.
Security status is a gradient of limits, i.e. a gradient of freedom vs. consequences and tactics across this gradient.
Transferring that to Capitals (Mainly supers) in low-sec , and you seem to disregard these philosophies of freedom. Doesn’t makes sense to me.

Btw… Another old limitation is that capitals could only be build under SOV. So you had to hold Null-sec sov to build that damn things.

It’s not just caps and low sec it’s both sides. The middle ground sucks. Either be extremely small or be extremely big. Being in between just leaves you vulnerable to both. The smaller size getting the freedom and the larger getting the ACTUAL endurance.

The jump from bs to carrier ehp shouldn’t be so significant. Not saying nerf carriers, saying buff fat ships. Fatties should be buffed significantly in ehp and all related pve such as 4s should have lower rate of fire and far greater alpha with about the same dps. Maybe greater total dps as SP is so easy to get that things are just becoming laughable.

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I agree.
The thing is, going forward, if the changes to capitals game-mechanics continue in the direction the’ve been the past 3-4 years, capitals either needs a massive nerf on their stats (which I’m not for), or BS need a massive buff, which has it’s own issues with competing with the role of capitals like the dread.
Again, I’m for banning supers and titans form empire.
Restore the Sov requirements for capital production,
Re-specialize capitals to excel in their roles they have had before.
Carriers/FAX as fleet support.
Dreads anti-structure and anti capitals,
Titans/supers, mobile base of operations, system siege and sovereignty warfare. + anti-keepstar stuff and the like.

Removing the top-end sizes from Low would reinstate battleships roles if they at the same time get a bit of re-balance to accommodate for these changes.

But I do like your idea, and if what I suggest aint going to go through, your kind of idea would be the next logical way of going about it. +1

Eh, a trivial fix for nearly all cap troubles in game - remove cyno. I was in favor to remove just hotdrops by giving them some penalty, but why not go at the source of the troubles?

Why would these ships get the ability to just teleport across vast distances? All the real world examples are “small ships are somewhat faster and way more agile, big ships are slower and bricks to steer”.
Remove their logistics advantage and the game is magically balanced again where even a BS roaming gang makes sense as you can’t just drop few titans on them to wipe them out.
Additionally, when the cap pilots cannot magically be summoned across vast distances, baiting actually starts to matter. Do you have a logoff trap ready, maybe a fleet in the next system, maybe just docked people?.. Right now, there is NO skill in hotdrops. Press a button and that’s it. No thought, no skill, no gameplay. And the only counter is another hotdrop. Can’t be more dumb than that.
It will also fix logistics as it will be a pain in the ass to get materials in lawless null around - the way it should be, instead of null having even easier logistics than the supposedly safe and easy hisec.

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Cyno removal is a popular suggestion. I think you would be hard pressed to remove cyno in all of space. Low sec, probably, but what about the JF that needs goods transported? I’m personally pretty neutral on Cynos themselves, but I do agree that combat capital cyno drops in low are not skillful. Like shooting flies with a machinegun.
Removal og them would certainly increase the risks for capital pilots in low-sec.

Removal of cyno makes transportation riskier. I believe there is no good reason why it would be safer to use an alt to transport anything through null in nearly 100% safety, while even in hisec people could suicide gank you.
So, transporting in null is faster and safer than doing the same in HS (at the cost of an alt/friend), in supposedly harsher part of the EVE universe.

JF would then have to be redesigned to offer tanky transportation instead of teleport-transportation. Say give it ability to fit lows and mids with tank modules? Give it bubble immunity and a few points of WCS built in? Sure, none of these would make the ship as good as cynos did, but why should it? Null logistics should be risky, not “I press that button and goods are moved”.


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