Career Agents sending rookies into Invaded systems

Thank you both, over 1000 hours of work there.


totally worth it

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Career Agents are there 24/7 sitting out there in their ships labeled with kind of double white star on the side. They are watching as the Invasion unfolds just hoping to have the company of new Capsuleers.

BTW Triglavian Collective Leader “Zorya Triglav” is scary as hell.

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The career agent programming should be parameterized with filters for routes, which includes the target system, to exclude trig systems. Also, too late to fix now, but a test for a route from the career systems to Jita should have been used as a filter in the algorithm that comes up with a Trig invasion system candidate.

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Why? To reinforce the only place that matters is Jita and grow the Caldari slums bigger?

Pix Severus was here.

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There was never a time when playing EVE took intelligence. Unless by intelligent you mean finding exploits and making bank off of them before they are officially made exploits. But that’s not intelligent behavior. It’s just poking at everything until you find a crack.

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i got flagged for 2 memes that don’t even have the text
i have the care to remove it
you guys should be ashamed :frowning:


Yep. Flaggers be flaggin.



I’m going to assume it’s the self-bodychalk crew going around and fighting back the only way they know or can.

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Thief!:rage: that’s my sthick

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It’s just such an amazingly good description of their collective personality that I had to appropriate it.

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Definitely you. Definitely not me.

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And, once again…the crew tanks the thread into oblivion.
(Apparently their favorite place to be!)

Still happening.
Every day in help and rookie chats there’s rookies asking why they’re being sent into invaded systems on fetch missions.
Laughably incompetent game design on show, as per usual these days.


I can hear it! The alarms help I’m in structure!

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I’ve just finished the career missions for the Republic Military School and none of them have forced me to enter a Triglavian controlled system.

That would be due to a particular set of circumstances. Now try it for all 3 Caldari starts.

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