Cargo/Ship Scan to give Suspect timer

I can see this as a hostile intention… and would +1 it. The only thing that bugs me is how difficult it can be to find out who it was that scanned ya… lol :slight_smile:

so this would make it a bit interesting if you ask me. smart players would us an out of corp alt mind you but still. its nice to have those folks selected for reduced standings, making them suspect would be a nice addition on the side of the ganked… it could also be used to the advantage of the ganker too but Ill keep those ideas to myself here.

there lacks a sense of cohesion and maturity at times on the forums, some threads post stupid ideas and they get serious replies, other times its the opposite, like in this thread. Dont take it personally. people are stupid enough to believe jet fuel melts steel beams and that voting for next years candidate will solve anything… so youre kinda screwed here bud. I thought Id try to give a genuine reply though.

I like the idea, and wouldnt say no to it.