[CAVTT] The Test of Faith

At some point you got to ask yourself is it isn’t better to replace the whole chain if so many of its links are rusted or failing

We are not close to that point.


But we still have people like Chakaid sitting and deciding Holy Gods words, it may be that he isn’t one with the final say in what is and isn’t to become scriptures. But he is Only one of many people of high status in the Empire that spreads they corruption. Key links in this chain if you will… and if these links that is supposed to keep it all together is rusted to the brink that they endanger the whole structure, I’ll say a replacement is in order

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I think this metaphor is past it’s breaking point.

Yes, corruption needs to be dealt with. No, that does not mean that we need to demote the last several thousand years of divine revelations to a lower status than the scripture that was recorded when Amarr consisted of a single island.


Lines up marshmallows on a stick for the coming bonfire

Have fun with your denial.

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That would be Pator.

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Ouchies. Did someone get their favorite breakfast cereal pissed in?


That we can agree on, our great Empire don’t need to be reduced to nothing. But the way we are headed is grim, and one woman is now taking a stand while many of the lords and ladies grows fat on indecision, for that I say give her a chance to prove her worth.
Cause I can’t say many of her words rings true.

Dabbling in Napkinity, Mitara, or is that a legitimate, actual threat you are prepared to make at this time?


We gave her many chances to prove her worth. And she was often impressive.

But then she chose to prioritize a relationship with a terrorist and actively aid a slave revolt.

Now she preaches a strange Time of Contemplation centered fundamentalist heresy.

Samira’s way only will lead to more pointless death. She doesn’t offer solutions, only offers to create a whole set of new problems.


Carefull, Newelle.

Threats tend to get a reaction. Empty or otherwise.

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I have no idea what you mean by ‘Napkinity’. There was a great deal of ‘snark’ in my remark, with a dash of off the cuff “wouldn’t that be nice”. It is entirely too early to tell just how much latitude Her Most Sublime Majesty will grant the Sword Marshals in dealing with the Rebel Provinces so I guess we’ll both just have to wait and see.

Allow me to offer you some free advice: stick to #3. You won’t like what will happen if you dabble in the others.

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Do not insinuate such things Arrendis; my lady is no Butcher. Levelling subtle threats at her is not going to change her mind, either.

As for Cain, please react as you see fit. We shall do so in kind.

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Subtle threats? My dear Lord Consort, let me walk you through why she will not like dabbling in the other two:

  1. The quality or state of being Nauplius.

Your wife has turned into Nauplius. Are you gonna be happy about this? Will you enjoy sleeping with Nauplius? Would you? Or would it cause marital distress? I mean, I assume she would not like marital distress. Who knows, maybe she would.

  1. The practice of promising genocidal attacks on civilian population centers while serving only to bring armed reprisal upon one’s own properties.

Will she enjoy armed reprisals upon her own properties? No matter how effective the defense, some members of the household staff will almost certainly be injured or killed at some point. Will she like that?


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but if we could please get back to Imperial reform (preferably Kernherite reform, to be specific), I would quite like that.


Please, Samira. What you’re doing is calling for rebellion. It’s just wrong.

Yes, that rebellion would indeed be a test of faith. Many times through the millennia, when the Empire deviated from the true path, God used rebellious masses, barbarian hordes, and even aliens to punish the corrupt and the decadent. That the Minmatar Rebellion was allowed to happen was obviously a punishment from God, but this does not make the Minmatar right. Just as when the God sends locusts to consume grain upon the fields of a sinful Holder, those locusts do not become proper believers. They are just a mindless weapon of divine ire.

If the Empire is truly as corrupt as you preach, then yes, indeed, God may test the remaining faithful and purge the wicked through the fire of a Kerhnerite rebellion. And we’ll accept this test and stand against those seduced by the heresy as our duty demands.

Or, the spark you made will fizzle out, remaining just another post on the IGS, and nothing will happen.

But if it will happen, if the God would choose you to remind us of our sins, know that the blood of everyone who suffers as a result of your call will be on your hands, regardless.


It will.

But Amarr’s history up till now has not been bloodless. Millions died at Kahah just last year. Many millions more before that, under Nauplius, Idonis Ardishapur, and countless other Holders and emperors. Many billions more are left tortured and abused. There will be blood whether or not I act, and I can’t stand by and allow what already happens today to keep happening. The hope of a better future is better than accepting an evil present.


If you ask yourself wether it is better to replace the whole chain, then you better come up with a solution to the following problem:

How do you ensure that the replacement will be any better? Everything Kernher decries are all too human flaws, which we see time and again arise in human institutions. Human institutions are always bound to show signs of human flaws and weaknesses.

That is also why I’d argue that the analogy of a chain is a really bad one. Most institutions of any sustainable human state and/or nation are more akin to a rope. As long as enough fibres are intact, you can work with it. And you really should design your institutions like that, for the above reason.

And honestly, despite some inglorious example that get a disproportionate amount of attention - for various reasons, chief among them that everything working smoothly and as intended simply isn’t newsworthy - the Empire’s institutions are remarkably free of those failings, as institutions that are more prone to those usually dissolve quickly, because corruption is really not a strategy that supports institutions in the long term, but rather disrupts them.


Yes, yes. As I said, you chose to focus on all that to rationalize the idea that the solution to your problems must be outside yourself, rather than lying with yourself. It’s them, them, them! They do it to me and all those people. Those people suffer as well, from them! So the cause of suffering must lie with them, right?

Oh, it’s so much easier to live with yourself, if others are the perpetrators and you are the victim. Better, still, you are part of a class of victims. Taking even more attention away from yourself. What slavish train of thought!

Nobody denies that part of your resentment is righteous, but part of it is manifestly the result of refusal to grow up and adopt responsibility for yourself. So, instead of stepping up and face God, you whine about how the priests must be cut down, those people must be replaced, these parts of scripture excised.

They don’t. All that entertaining thoughts of replacing them: It’s all a distraction. A welcome distraction. But it would change nothing significantly. Not only because there is no guarantee that the ones replacing the replaced are any better. But chiefly, because actually standing in front of God means to accept ultimate judgement. There are no excuses then, anymore. No them, at whom one is able to point oh-so-conveniently. Before God everyone stands entirely naked and vulnerable.

Yet, this - albeit temporary - reunion is where true freedom springs from.