@CCP; Do you feel it yet?

This is what I find funny honestly. We have people who complain about price increases. Some leave. Some stay for years to come. Why not take advantage of bulk pricing KNOWING you will be in EVE for at least an extended amount of time? Like if your here on forums I would like to infer player X is an active EVE player.

So, why don’t we take advantage of the extra options CCP is offering because buying the bigger omega bundles is no price increase to even a discount for 2 years.

Of course, I get hit with the “Not everyone has 200+$ to drop at once” argument. I respond with. You have the means to play online video games. I am sure you can figure a way to save up X amount of money to enjoy a game you know it sub concisely or not going to stick around in EVE.

Common sense here people. Your burning $$$$ playing month to month!


I’d perhaps agree, if I hadn’t been seeing similar comments since I started in 2007-ish.

Yeah, it’s almost like all those people have heard “don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose” and figure they might need ISK to get anywhere. Gosh those stupid noobs!


You conveniently leave out a third option. They didn’t CARE about the crybaby grindbears.

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If 500 PLEX remains enough for a month’s subscription, and it drops low enough; I think more people will try to play the game and pay with ISK for PLEX, but due to the tragedy of the commons, more and more will do this thus the less ‘fit’ will go away again. I have been here for quite a while and have seen people come and go. Some keep rejoining and leaving over and over. Weirdest game ever.

Do realise that a lot of those “newbies” are alts pretending to be new by acting dumb.

Do the math. Better yet, don’t bother with the math and just take a look at the prices.
1 year was $131, and averaged out to just over $10 a month.
2 years is $271 and averages out to just over $11 a month.
Sure, some people can pony up almost $300 in a time of 40+ year historic inflation and massive food insecurity. That isn’t the norm though.
On top of that, the price increase was touted as necessary for upcoming game changing advances. Yet, their biggest announcement is simply updating to current technology. Any tech company on earth would figure that into annual operation costs.
CCP Paragon suggested the increase is due to losing the russian market, because apparently the popular thing to do right now is to blame everything on russia.
As for paying ahead because you plan to be here forever; Great. Do it. Hopefully you’ll get a refund when CCP closes the doors and shuts the power off. That is where they are going. The players are speaking with their wallets, and are much louder than you will ever be.

Yes, some do that. And those of us who have been playing for 16+ years can easily spot and ignore them…

Indeed. Lessons not learned in blood are soon forgotten…

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I like the pilots that say they are too tanked to be ganked…so you kill them, and then they say im bringing my nullsec alts and buddies to clear you out!..but you never hear nor see them ever again.


Sure but they still make up a part of the “holy crap these newbs are idiots” mindset one sometimes falls in to.

I have done no such thing. I only inquired why you felt CCP was required to justify a price increase.

I agree with you completely.

Nonsense, I am asking why you feel that a luxury company is required to justify a price increase and a provider of necessities is not. Did I misunderstand and you feel that all companies should have to justify a price increase to consumers?

If they cannot afford it, don’t buy it. Play for free.
Don’t like limitations? Save ISK up. Even if it takes you a year to save up, wait for a holiday, then trade ISK for PLEX and have a month of Omega. Then enjoy.

See, anyone, literally anyone who can afford housing, electricity, an internet connection, a PC and some spare time can play EVE Online. If you know them and they cannot figure it out, help them to do so. The tools are the same for anyone. I have limited time but can spare some money so I buy a subscription. If I would not want to spend my entertainment budget on that, I could spend more time on it.

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I’d be willing to bet they lost more than a few Russian mining bot fleets…

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Like I said. If you’re going to be playing this game sub consciously or not or anyone here. The chances are very high person X will be paying month to month burning $$$.

Yes, prices change! CCP has been changing prices for other currencies to make it roughly equal to USD.

I look at the prices right now. It’s out of my control and your control to change what CCP has done. What is the most logical thing to do right now as a consumer in my view is take advantage of the bulk pricing and save serious money in the long run! We can look at all the reasons we agree with or not. People have real and legitimate reasons to be angry with this price increase! Such as little content over the years! I try to be balanced here and it is what it is sometimes.

People will play the game. The savvy consumers will find a way to save for a bulk package knowing they will be here for a while. It really boils down to that. Not concerned about social/economic status of anyone I can’t play month to month knowing I am burning serious money over the long run. plain and simple.


I’m still waiting for the BoB fleet to arrive and clear me out of Oursulaert and back into a 1.0 university system “where I belong,” which was promised to me by some angry miners I started a war with like back in 2008.


I miss the old wardec system :frowning:


CCP is required to justify the price increase because EVE is a 19 year old game that now has the highest subscription price in the gaming industry.
CCP is required to justify the price increase, because they chose to make promises that the increase Would be justified at fanfest.
Consumers have been demanding justification since trade was established between humans.

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They had a small incident in 2009, but I’m sure SirMolle (how old is he by now?!) will personally come over there and get you safely out. Hang in there. He’ll be there soon™ …:wink:

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Unless mandated by the laws of the countries they do business in, there is no such requirement.

Consumers can demand whatever they like. If they don’t get it they have one option: Take their money and business elsewhere.

The things you are saying would be “good business practices” and great for customer retention. I wish Pearl Abyss / CCP would practice some of it.
However, while you are demanding things, you might as well stamp your feet and hold your breath for all the good it will do you.


Increasing the subscription price is not the same as increasing foreign prices to be near equal to what Americans pay to play.
When was the last time you remember peak American timezone, on a Friday night logged in account being less than 17,000? Yes, bulk pay is smart. However, you’re gambling that money on the continued existence of CCP as eve continues to hemorrhage paying players. MMO’s were never the bulk of the video game industry, so making it cost prohibitive to people is not a smart business choice.
Yes Yes, video gamers can all come up with untold amounts of moneys. Afterall, if you believe everything they type, everyone is a multi billionaire with 6 supermodel girlfriends.
We’re talking about real life though.