Thank you, I’ll be here all week
I hope they don’t ban you.
They might as well, I’m done playing EVE. I’ll finally win at that rigged game!
I won’t even give them 5ç I found on the ground now.
so back to the topic at hand. everybody is talking about the erebus. that we can understand that icecrean didn’t want to lose. but there’s a second video of a drake disappearing. what? was that also too expensive to lose?
And what about all the other instances that we don’t have video for?
This time they got caught with their pants down ( omg I don’t even want to imagine that ) but I’m willing to bet all the money that I’ll never have that they do it on the regular, freaking weirdoes!
My God! You have no mercy, don’t you? You are ripping them whole new ones without a second thought over this. A little mercy would go a long way, don’t you think?
My name is NOT Jesus.
I still think you are being a little bit too harsh on them regarding this incident. it’s not like he used ccp powers to blap the whole grid. he just used magic dust to gtfo.
When I have that magic dust in my inventory then I’ll think of cutting them some slack.
the erebus i can indeed understand. icecream didnt want to artificially create an ingame event without prior decision. but the drake vanishing? that was just cowardice and vanity. frankly im more upset about that
and why is gm ice cream wearing those glasses? who does he think he is? a space cop?
He thinks he’s cool with those. He looks like a fly.
sources say he was role-playing as a hot-shot cop. look at the video, he even says ‘FREEZE!’ at one point. he saved his erebus but lost his honor today.
why you have to be so ruthless?
It’s not ruthless to say the truth.
you have to understand that the GMs are people too. they sometimes make mistakes. and if they make a mistake, maybe don’t make it the end of the world. they have a company hierarchy and have people to answer to. let’s not forget that this incident happened during GM Week and out of the desire to interact with the player-base in game. if we look at the negative side of everything, then we can’t build on a sustainable foundation. it would be better if we could try to be constructive here.
For people who are done with this forum: is growing.
Yes, by all means, let’s be constructive.
CCP, in the next update I’ll be expecting Dev Tools in the form of a console window where I can duplicate all my ships, modules and BPO’s at will and spawn any ship I want.
I want codes to duplicate asteroid belts and delete Traglivian ships.
I want codes to bring the taxes to 0% and the NPC relations to +10.
I want that pixy dust GM-whastshisface used to weasle out of trouble.
I want a billion isk everytime I log in.
I want to be able to spawn a moon and everything needed to mine it in 1 hour.
Matter of fact, I want everything, and I do mean everything that can be obtained in the game.
that list would totally ruin the game, you know it.
and his name is not ‘GM-whatshisface’, his name was GM IceCream…
I want his real name, address and phone number.