The defense will now have ten minutes to present their rebuttal and call any witnesses already registered on the docket.
May I remind the jury that this case is not to be discussed outside of this courtroom and should any- eh? What? The accused wasn’t even in the room with the victim during the events described by the prosecution?
Case dismissed! without prejudice.
what are you babbling about? have you read the op? you’re just an attention seeking whore trying to steal the spotlight with a t1 hauler kill. pff! fvck off with your role-playing games, loser! beat your meat elsewhere!
omg! The sensor didn’t work this time.
And please, they’re NOT whores, they’re Ladies.
That’s right! They got bathrooms for that.
Last time I got into a conversation about role playing games, I got a thrashing by a Gewn.
And it was only a little enjoyable.
I heard codies are big on roleplaying too…
That’s not what happened on the video. Did you even watch it??
It’s CLEAR they used a Dev Tool, just look at their stupid grin and the hesitation before they decided to do it. Read the expressions on their weirdoes’ face!
Hey contrary to what I was accused of Im really big on roleplaying
My two longest running characters are a Paladin and a Strict Victorian Governess
@Selma_Wade, @Uriel_the_Flame is a known troll. his main in game is @Marcusson_en_Chasteaux and he’s an ‘brave’ mtu killer and corvette-alt zkillboard padder. here’s his killboard Marcusson en Chasteaux | Character | zKillboard
he boils in envy when he sees anyone actually taking risks and creating content. don’t waste time on him. he’ll drag you down with his stupidity and lameness.
Weasles took my ’s away so I’ll be using my phone’s.
Even the forum is ALL f@cked up.
So Githany and Aiko are your alts?
@Kendall_Warden Nice try Adrian
As I see it anyone having issues with Devs/GM toying around like this (done all in the open mind you) are just sweaty tryhards, be it in game or just forumite drama whores.
I think the whole thing is funny, go be outraged somewhere else.
you need a tin-foil hat?
yes, I checked his post history. obvious troll.
beat you to the tin-foil rebutal!
Huh. wasnt actually what I mean, but ok lol
You’re a GM Alt, of course you’ll say that. So which one are you? The one without the d!ck or the one without the balls?
Don’t worry he is blinded by his rage he doesn’t realize we’re having fun here.
Your replies are so funny!
I found this one while I was looking for a “Foiled again” gif, but cant be bothered letting Billy out to use it appropriately