CCP, Goonswarm are making an example of you

My suggestion was that each NPC corp be in perpetual war with its diametric opposite in the 360 degree pan of NPC corps. There was also things involving standings etc.

I dont bring this up to derail. Just to give you some frame of reference.

Back to grr goons/scammers and regular broadcasting!

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What case? You have no idea, Erik.

All that is happening is the same that happened for years already. Back when there was far more ganking and far more killing going on, the whining was exactly the same. CCP nerfed the ■■■■ out of it, and the whining is still the same, despite the amount of ganking and war deccers being down compared to the past.

You’re not approaching this rationally at all!

These people fomplain, because they feel entitled to something they aren’t. They complain, because they want this game to be safe. They will never ever stop until the very last deccer and ganker are gone and they will never stop exaggerating the situation, which is not even a quarter as bad as they make it look like! Put it into the proper perspective!

Wow…, i’m so glad CCP stopped caring about you griefing, toxic lunatics.


So by not making a concious choice, they think for themselves?

How silly.

But this game is Mad Max in space. It simply is.

If you dont like getting rolled by the reavers, you do something.

What are you doing apart from showing yourself as a soft target right now?

I just wanna HS mine in peace. Is that too much to ask? I don’t wanna socially interact in any sort of way with you. EVER.
Just flying this spaceship till CCP drops NOVA
The Wardec mechanic sucks, too cheap. People play in HS so they don’t deal with your ■■■■. And they should not be forced to participate in a war when they clearly don’t want to pvp. Here is a though. Go declare war in Null. You won’t cuz you don’t have balls which is part of the problem. You are scared to lose so you pick on the weak. Quit enabling the gutless swine CCP.

i’ll opt out of this totalitarian paradise of safe spacers.

These people deserve what’s coming for them.

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Read the rules of the game, and the new player FAQ.

Given the syntax and swearing and lack of understanding, looks like he got his alt to log in, above.

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The rules in place did create emergent gameplay. It’s just that the gameplay which emerged… is what you see here, and kinda stale, with occasional interesting (i.e. The Sack of Romi) things happening. Upping the price of a wardec means less wardeccing and more ganking, because that will become the cheapest way to pirate.

It’s also the much wider emergent pattern of MMOs and the gamer community in general: PvP attracts salt harvesters, and many of the carebears have learned this by now. They know that these sadistic types of players love it when their victims react. They’ve siloed off in their carebear communities, and they’ve learned that optimal play against wardeccers is usually to just refuse to engage the wardeccers. Or whatever’s trying to kill them at all.

This “farmer plague” some forum residents complain about is another emergent pattern. These are the kinds of players who would find the progression systems and grindy economies of MMOs interesting to play through all day. Maybe that’s just what’s left on the carebear side of things after the casuals all evaporate.

Who cares, really.

They will leave.
We’re still here.

They’re just making themselves targets. They’re prey, nothing more. if the west wasn’t so degenerated by now, natural selection would have never let these people alive.

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It’s ok you don’t have a spine and denounced my statement because it applies to your sorry self. Truth hurts

I enjoy a bit of degeneration now and again :wink:

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So by not making a concious choice, they think for themselves?

How silly.

Well sure they do, it’s not like it’s that hard already to spot from a mile off the amusement people in here get from blowing up soft targets in this game, or is it ?

It sure was enough for a number of people I met so far.

What are you doing apart from showing yourself as a soft target right now?

You want to go down that road with me ? As in to start on RL comparison ? We can try, if you’re feeling that ballsy …

it does indeed, and threads like this remind us all af that constantly.


On the contrary, Im very glad to be someone who likes to kill weak sheep like you x

Please show me where I made a RL comparison.

Or are you confusing your spaceship man with whatever person is writing your words?

This game is Mad Max in space. What part of that is dufficult for you to grasp?

NO that’s not true…

when I 1st started eve online… and purchased a fawking plex… I had no idea that you were not supposed to haul it around … there were zero instructions prior to me learning about it… after I charged that real money to get that item…i lost it in under 10 mins… I put up such a stink about it cause its borderline scamming… a gm gave me a plex back to calm my temper… so do stop assuming everyone knows what they’re signing up for… now fast forward a couple years later… look what we have a plex vault… so yeah… sit back and sit down. some of the crap they pulled years ago isn’t flying again… #complaints filed works wonders now doesn’t it.

Trolls trolling trolls…

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ingame sparky, you’re shining a hudge beacon for people like me


Lol Mad Max is space. In the movie people are actually savage. You are not a hunter, more like a vulture that preys on the half-dead. Weak in body and spirit, weak to the core of the soul.

You clearly havent watched very much of any of them.

And is that supposed to bother me?

Vultures are awesome.

And that makes people who play a pvp mmo on their own without any wish to pvp the half dead? Your analogy, my friend.