Be careful about RL threats…
Now on to other comments you have made or implied by talking…
1.) Ganking helps people like me, an Industrialist, I build stuff and the more that is destroyed the more relevancy my play style has in the game.
2.) Same with wardecs
3.) Same with using Alts to wardec, gank, spy, transport, awox,bump, etc.
4.) I have always said, to be a true Industrialist you have to learn how to gank, scam, rat, salvage, market trade, PvP, FC, diplomacy, do proper intel work, use in game and out of game tools, fit ships, create fleet doctrines, do research, do reverse engineering, transport mass quantities safely, read news, keep abreast of all metagame politics…thats a short list btw!
5.) Point 4 does not happen over night, it takes time, and it takes many failures(dying) just to grasp the basics and then evolve as time goes on.
6.) You have to have a hard skin, carebearism and mewling baby skin will not work.
7.) With some things you have to identify between RP and being serious, i suggest going to a Fanfest if you have not had the oppurtunity yet. Your claim of sociopathism in the playerbase is just not true(Characters can be though its part of RP, learn the difference)
8.) You are going to be trolled if you display a hint of carebearism on the forums and right now you reek of it, im not saying i dont slip on the forums from time to time, but my concerns lately have been more about certain mechanics and directions CCP is going, it is difficult to see the horizon on the road they are paving.