CCP, Goonswarm are making an example of you

Be careful about RL threats…

Now on to other comments you have made or implied by talking…
1.) Ganking helps people like me, an Industrialist, I build stuff and the more that is destroyed the more relevancy my play style has in the game.
2.) Same with wardecs
3.) Same with using Alts to wardec, gank, spy, transport, awox,bump, etc.

4.) I have always said, to be a true Industrialist you have to learn how to gank, scam, rat, salvage, market trade, PvP, FC, diplomacy, do proper intel work, use in game and out of game tools, fit ships, create fleet doctrines, do research, do reverse engineering, transport mass quantities safely, read news, keep abreast of all metagame politics…thats a short list btw!

5.) Point 4 does not happen over night, it takes time, and it takes many failures(dying) just to grasp the basics and then evolve as time goes on.

6.) You have to have a hard skin, carebearism and mewling baby skin will not work.
7.) With some things you have to identify between RP and being serious, i suggest going to a Fanfest if you have not had the oppurtunity yet. Your claim of sociopathism in the playerbase is just not true(Characters can be though its part of RP, learn the difference)

8.) You are going to be trolled if you display a hint of carebearism on the forums and right now you reek of it, im not saying i dont slip on the forums from time to time, but my concerns lately have been more about certain mechanics and directions CCP is going, it is difficult to see the horizon on the road they are paving.


What case? You have no idea, Erik.

All that is happening is the same that happened for years already. Back when there was far more ganking and far more killing going on, the whining was exactly the same. CCP nerfed the ■■■■ out of it, and the whining is still the same, despite the amount of ganking and war deccers being down compared to the past.

You’re not approaching this rationally at all!

These people fomplain, because they feel entitled to something they aren’t. They complain, because they want this game to be safe. They will never ever stop until the very last deccer and ganker are gone and they will never stop exaggerating the situation, which is not even a quarter as bad as they make it look like! Put it into the proper perspective!

Wow…, i’m so glad CCP stopped caring about you griefing, toxic lunatics.

Well sure, in Eve the complaint is high as the pixel gathering TIME and sometimes rl money spent is also high in this game, coupled with the fact you can lose it all in a split second if you’re not careful.

As a game though, I don’t feel I should encourage people to join it at all, simply because the moment you install and undock your ship, you’re signing on to giving your time and attention to people who actively install such a game, while being in demand for social manipulation and blowing you and your playtime up, for the lols.

Tbh, I don’t think that, even as human beings, such people should even deserve this one bit of attention and catering to at any rate, or at any time and place, and for a an online service coming straight from an entitled and very western comfort system to begin with ?

Sorry but, just no.

And the fact you dont want to encourage people who you feel wont like the game to play is important because… why?

Do you feel the need to encourage people who dont like FPSes to play COD? And if you do, does it make you better than the other players somehow?

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this dude has KRK monitors lmao … dont listen to a word this fake ass musician says.

That’s your fault. Do you always play games without knowing how they work? i don’t.

ya know,
You can just go play WoW, or SWTOR, Final Fantasy, ESO, or any other number of similar games.

Your attitude is the Toxic one,
It is Toxic because it is Anathema to the Core Mechanics, Lore, and play style of EvE…

You need to realize there is no true PVE in this game, everything you do is a PvP competition with every other player in it, active, afk, semi-afk…dare i say it the script bots…EVERYTHING, from shooting roids and red crosses to avoiding conflict and ganking…

I think the only way you could ever truly play without PvP’ing…
Is to never interact with a single player market order, never sell anything on the market either…never go to nullsec, never go to WH, or losec…

Never go mining, cause at some point someone is going to bump you or gank you or tell you to get out of their belt…
I mean i just dont see how EvE could ever be nothing but PvP, and you sir dont seem to like PvP games, so why are you here?


It’s very hard to believe that players were unaware of what EVE entailed, unless of course, they had selective attention. “Be the Villain” is what I recall seeing.


I recall a PC gamer magazine in 1998 with an article about EvE Online…

In 2008 i saw the butterfly effect trailer…
in 2010 I saw a box on a shelf in the PX…and said DAMN i always wanted to try it and its still around…been playing since.

And i think the ButterFly Effect trailer was/is one of the best portrayals of EvE, maybe CCP should do an upgraded version for the current times and meta.


when you give screaming children what they want, they will always scream, even when they’re adults. emotional immaturity. people can complain, but when all they do is whine and cry, because they don’t have it how they want it, then they deserve nothing but mockery. The worst part about them is that they breed more of them.

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And the fact you dont want to encourage people who you feel wont like the game to play is important because… why?

Well if you want to Mad Max it up, do it ingame ?

Ftr, I said I would not encourage, or rather discourage, people who would already have an interest or curiosity to the game but haven’t sunk the time in to fully understand what it is, and more importantly who plays/drives it.

Do you feel the need to encourage people who dont like FPSes to play COD? And if you do, does it make you better than the other players somehow?

Redundant first question, see above. And for the second, it doesn’t make me better or worse, when it just stands for what it is, and it’s ok to choose and say no, to playing with this or this person, for x or y reason. Could be the way they smell, the way they swear, or the way they find that odd amusement in blowing someone’s head off ? I dunno, many reasons Im sure…

I dont play online mmo’s, not anymore, because of their overall toxic behaviour and game environment breeding toxic and circlejerk responses.

Eve is on my toplist of mmo’s to avoid, and goes downhill from there.

And that’s likely to make a lot of people here smile.

yes you do… lol dont think you are that different from the rest of us. THERE IS NOTHING that you know how to do before you do it. im sorry. … that just the funniest thing Ive read in a long time.

its like people saying you can demolition three buildings with two airplanes full of jet fuel… yet thousands of engineers and mathematicians and physicists argue that logic and PROVE that is the biggest line of ■■■■ anyone could ever imagine. EVEN IN IMAGINATIONLAND…

Would you whine and cry if I blew up Eve servers tomorrow ?

Not even a little bit ?

I do.

I thought it was people doing it in game you had the problem with?

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Not if they confuse doing it both ingame and out.

The New Order endorses this product and/or service.


Youre the only person repeatedly bringing up any connection between a game and RL

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And you responded flawlessly on that account.

Thank you :slight_smile:
I try to make everything I do as flawless as possible.

And the George Michael song of the same name is my “grief fitting” music of choice :slight_smile:

You’ll find the same sort of threads on the forums of Day-Z and GTA V.

People play open-world PvP games with relaxed rulesets, and whine loudly when they get their arses handed to them by somebody that actually read and understood the rules.