i love the idea of a laser drake… especially VISUALLY.
but you know you want a laser Rokh in amarr gold colors!
but never once suggested armor/shield changes and that would be something done better on a new ship altogether because those kind of systems are usually balanced based on the ship stats/layout where weapons are LESS so/easier to work around without changing the role of said ship.
EDIT: some ships can use both systems though… every flown a shield arbitrator or Armageddon? never done it in PVP but I know it has a use in PVE.
One of my favorite games is basically not in existence anymore due to the dev doing the same things CCP is doing. He drove all the players away that enjoyed the PvE content. Then of course all the PvPers left as they no longer had anybody to hunt except each other.
They do need to make sure that people are wanting to log into the game and play the game, yes they can develop the game they want but obviously the changes they are making are harming their game and the player base by driving more and more people away.
I have said it before and I will keep saying it, if you don’t have engaging PvE content for players to go do and enjoy and keep it updated (aka grass) you loose the PvE players. Without the PvE players (aka sheep) the PvPers (aka wolves) have no one to hunt except each other. They soon get bored with that and then leave themselves for a game that provides them with that content.
I’m currently building a Rifter with missiles as a fun side project. Is it a good idea? Probably not. The ship has bonuses for the “wrong” weapons for this to be a high-tier fit. But it’ll be fun and look pretty, and that’s what I care about here. I’m going to use it for joyriding, and it’ll be fairly cheap to replace once I have everything set up for it. Do I want to lose it? No. Will I be disappointed when I lose one? Sure. Am I going to be surprised that someone killed me with my fancy ship? NOPE.
I disagree. Anyone that isn’t a “combatant” IS a civilian.
Do you honestly want to compare someone lured into the game by advertising directed towards mining/industrial to a hardcore PvP player? Lines need to be drawn. The game was designed to have a layer of separation between different playstyles. I know you don’t agree with that either, so don’t bother reminding me.
At any rate, it’s clear that the community wants that as evidenced by the declining player count.
EVE is first and foremost a PVP game. Period. There is absolutely nothing you can do in EVE aside from Project Discovery that doesn’t include the possibility of unwanted PVP…
Another Therad highjacked and mutated to a Antiganking Disskussions - use the already existing contributions to the topic. Removing multiple OT Posts now.