No, you can’t understand it. Once upon a time, yes, a subscription cost 15, and even earlier 10, and so on, just like the subscription, the prices for food, gasoline, and other consumer goods have also increased, such is the economy and the situation in the world. CCP is already one of the only ones left on the market, with such a convenient and inexpensive (and for some even free) cost of the game.
Removed an inappropriate message. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ho cares for a single shard mmo with 1000 players + on the same system
lets make jita a global chat and the rest of the game instances
great idea !!!
No, that is an appalling idea. It’s bad enough trying to remember what all the existing 200 or so ships are that might appear on d-scan…without making that list 1000.