CCP, I know what you are doing. It's going to backfire

Why do you think that a positive atmosphere is a good thing? EVE is supposed to be a cold dark universe where the strong survive and the weak are slaughtered and/or exploited. Lazy and stupid players don’t belong here, there’s no sense in coddling them and pretending that they’re going to be welcome.


All you deserve is a perm forum ban for talking BS like that…

You don’t know anything about this game…

If mining is limited and PVE driven out this game is in the trashcan because with 5k players this game will shut down in a month…

PVE and mining is the MAJORITY here but is yet not even close to take advantage of its number because the CCP devs stay at their STUPD PVP favor and if more stupid decisions are made this game is DONE…

PVE deserves MUCH MORE space here and not less…And PVP has way too much space here and deserves WAY less…

This has to change.

PvE is fine as it is already. What you’re actually trying to say is, “CCP needs to introduce something only I can mine that’ll make me richer while doing the same or less work!”

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I’m saying it’s too much PVP here and yes this means MORE PVE if PVP is limted that should be clear as glass…

I don’t know why you ask this question…it’s pretty obvious that i mean that…

I don’t even know what this statement is trying to say.
What do you even mean by “too much PVP”?

I didn’t ask a question.
I called you out on yourbullshit.
You don’t want more PvE, you just want to get richer with less effort.

Whatever, farmer trash. You’ve said worse.

PVE deserves MUCH MORE space here and not less…And PVP has way too much space here and deserves WAY less…

Fortunately for the legitimate industry players CCP understands that PvP is what drives the economy, and that pandering to farmer trash like you only means flooding the market with excess production and nerfing the income of legitimate industry players who worked to earn their success.

This. Plenty of people are already making lots of ISK from PvE. The issue here is that you are farmer trash that can’t succeed unless CCP makes the game easier for you, not that PvP is too much of the game.

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I mean TOO much PVP…what is not understandable in that…

The best example what happens to PVE are the filaments…
At first it was instanced by mechanic…but than the PVP whines came ‘how can you do a thing we cannot kill the one that uses it?’
And PROMTLY the entrance became scannable…


Filaments had be stay instanced and CCP shouldn’t have listened to the whines…

And those BS decisions after PVP whiny complains munched itself like cancer through the game for 15 years now…PVP is like a kid with adhs…it wants attention and if it don’t get it it begins a whiny forum war until CCP finally gets annoyed and give them what they want(but not deserve)…

THIS is the problem this game has…

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Oh look, the farmer trash doesn’t understand why instances are terrible design in a sandbox game where the major selling point is that everything happens in a single world.

PS: if you’re good at EVE you want more PvP threats to abyssal sites because when your less-skilled competition fails and dies it drives up the prices for the abyssal loot you get. Removing risk pushes prices down and steals ISK from those who deserve it.

And those BS decisions after farmer trash whiny complains munched itself like cancer through the game for 15 years now…farming is like a kid with adhs…it wants attention and if it don’t get it it begins a whiny forum war until CCP finally gets annoyed and give them what they want(but not deserve)…

Yep, sounds about right. Fail at EVE, whine and cry on the forums and demand easy mode and participation trophies.

Eve IS no sandbox…not with this pvp favor…

Bottom line

Because it’s not true maybe?

Well i speak for the majority of this game.


The loudest players here are obviously PVP demanders who wanna participate and annoy every other player here and think this is their birthright…despite being a strong minority of course…

They were spoiled for 15 years now and this has to stop or the game is done…

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If the only alternative is to turn EVE into a menial farming game where everyone gets free ISK and participation trophies then let it die with dignity. We can remember the days when EVE was a good game and not watch at is defiled into shame and failure.


I don’t block your post if you not use the ‘farmer trash’ insult…

Learn from it…


I’m out…

Ok, bye. Legitimate industry and PvE players will definitely appreciate it if you go back to WoW and stop trying to nerf their income.

No you dont arsehole…

Let me ask you, why do you play EvE?

I hope its not to chase the ISK…
I know why I play, and i shouldnt have to but ill explain anyway.

I played for the excitement of doing something i wasnt able to while active duty military during time of war… and that as to run a bussiness in a place that had no goverment oversight.
In short I met most of my goals in Eve over the years.
Im an arms dealer.
Ive been an FC, a career ganker, an alliance security director.
Ive lived in LS, NS, roamed WH and I currently live in HS (cause thats where i want to be)

Now I play more for my friends and other pilots that i fly alongside with on different accounts, cause without them EvE is just trash to me.

Now as an industrialist ill make one thing clear…
Miners mine> Indy buys ore> Indy produces items> PvP consumes products> Creation of Demand for building materials>Miners Mine.

Any part of that breaks down and the player economy goes down the shithole, and right now not enough PvP is happening, and even if there was too much is being produced vs being destroyed.

Some may not like it, but others like myself are already adapting and bracing for impact of CCP’s next ore nerf patch… instead of whining like a little bitch and claiming you are speaking for me, how about you go find some work to do Grasshopper before winter comes, the leaves are already turning color.

Describing something as what it is, is not an insult. Hope you learn that, trash.

Indeed. But calling people trash is an insult. Which implies it’s not describing people as what they are.

You’re making the silly assumption that they are people.