:facepalm: CCP is an untrustworthy purveyor of limited edition assets

I’m surprised that flaming usurper can come up with anything beyond strong-arming players for isk and ganking the unawares. I don’t think they have exploding ships at tic-tac-toe or hopscotch…doesn’t even have space stations and pirates, pfff :smirk:

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Very nice I have the same one :+1:


It is like watching a bunch of people getting angry at a rock. Of course I post - because you people are being ridiculous. CCP is not a bunch of scrappy developers - they are marketing/monetizing people.

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Except in this case that ‘rock’ is expected to have some kind of thought processes, at least maybe a heart, and, one may hope, closely resemble human beings.


Why is that expected?

Its a company. It exists to extract money primarily.

Any product produced is purely coincidental.


Yeeeaaah ! ! Please be unthrustworthy. I want unique skins i missed back in the plex market FFS !

And Btw i don t give a ■■■■ if they re-issue them while I bought one
Because I just wanna buy one

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So you’re telling me that CCP employees and their boss don’t have thought processes, maybe a heart and don’t appear human or what are you saying, that because CCP is a corporation we players cannot realistically expect the entities within said corporation to be humans or are you really saying that everyone at CCP is a f-ing alien?


Well, the Bosses have this thought:

And the employees have the thought “I do what Im told or Im fired.”

All companies try to appear human, but ask yourself this:

If a company says “We raised $xxxxx for charity because we care!” How come its the employees and customers that are the ones who actually donate the money and not say skip 5% profits for a year? Or more?

A company isnt a person. When you give companies rights like people do, you end up in a really bad place.


CCP have a terrible record with content & IP value. Digital products that are sold for $100’s of dollars are given away as free Christmas gifts the next year.

They on one occasion apologised for this by providing a great coat to a bunch of players they fleeced.

There is zero point collecting in Eve as “one time only”, “limited edition” & “last chance items” have all been given out again.

I used to be a collector but I stopped after losing tn’s of in game asset value to releases. The only collector I know is Entity who is an X CCP employee with a foot in the door when it comes to asset releases.

Eve IP is hot garbage, these monocle will be provided for free at some point so just wait. Paying $ for eve content is idiotic when it is avaliable for free months later.

Another issue is that CCP drop or plain give unique content to their in game pets all the freaking time too.


Then give me some Yoiul skins please

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So if the content becomes free later anyway…

Its really easy to be an EvE collector?

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I don’t disagree.
I just remembered a few of my bosses saying ‘a company is like a child, it has its own expenses and demands until it grows to adulthood and takes care of itself’… I guess you’re saying it’s not like a child but more like an android needing human interjections until it’s rusty and dumped on a desert planet.

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Im more saying its a souless engine that consumes hopes and dreams and money and craps out inferior products that it demands gratitude for while getting fatter and more useless every day.


Oh… now I understand why they’re hand in hand with governments.


i have that box still wrapped up i take it that code thing was not worth a tap

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I’m here to tell you it’s not easy to be an Eve collector, even if you get free items that were sold for a fee at an earlier time, some items only become available once and then don’t get reissued. I know because I’m an Apparel collector with 636 different male and female items in my collection. I’m still missing items that were released years and years ago.


Yeah I figured that was the case. I reckoned that the person I was replying to was probably over reacting.

Youd be the person to ask though; have CCP charged highly before for stuff they gave away later? Apparel wise specifically, I mean.


Awww, how sweet! You’re expecting a corporation to act as if it cares about each individual customer, rather than how much money it can take in.

I’d argue that CCP does better in terms of responding to its customers than the majority of similarly-sized (and larger) studios. Not that it does well, you’ll note - just better than most.

A corporations primary responsibility is to make money. It does not need to consider how every tiny aspect of its operations affects a tiny number of its players to do so. Eve collectors with the ethos that limited edition means never again repeating the sale of said item are among the smallest demographics of eve players. So, it is in their rational self-interest to make money off these limited edition items as often as they can, as the number of customers it annoys will be trivial.

Sorry that you are left out on this one. But asking a thing not to do the thing it exists to do is just tilting at windmills my friend.

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Well, this doesn’t include the player market or contracts but as best as I can remember, I’ve never seen any of the apparel items CCP has sold be given out for free at a later date, and I don’t remember ever seeing any of the free apparel items being sold at a later date either.

There’s a lot of different Apparel items in their database, over 850 items at least. I need to recheck my count, I don’t think it’s still accurate but it’s close.


Also remember even though they gave out items for free at one time doesn’t mean they can’t offer them for sale at a later date. For example during the recent events for the 4 main Faction Holidays, CCP gave out 4 different Faction Commander Apparel items (Male / Female Jacket & Pants) as prizes to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each of the 4 Propaganda Contests. Total was 52 Apparel items consisting of 16 different unique item types given out to 13 winners. I’m sure a lot of other players, including myself, wouldn’t mind paying to get those items.

The last Propaganda Contest (Caldari) had a tie for 3rd place so instead of 12 winners total it was 13.