CCP is at it again V2: Big Money Edition

No offense, but someone that joined the game seventeen days ago should be listening and not offering input to something he has no clue about.

But if you want an apt analogy, go with dealer and addict. Tango implies a mutual pairing of equals and this is not even remotely like the relationship between a game company and its players.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Yea, I actually thought of the dealer and addict before you posted. People make a similar excuse. If you take out the dealer another will rise in his place because of the “demand” but I argue if the dealer had never been around there never would have been demand. Kind of like the age of horses versus cars. Ask someone back then what they would want out of transportation (the demand) and they’d say a faster horse. Not a car. Same thing applies to drugs and even here.

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I have seen the uproar over the stupid things CCP have been doing…

Think this is the best response yet that i found a poster put on another media platform, it made me LOL.

and I think it better shows the marketing dept mentatlity


I mean, can you really not expect CCP to do this? They’re still a company and need to make profits

The issue isn’t why they’re doing it’s how they’re doing it.

They’re screwing up their image so badly that even non-players are disgusted by this and think that the company is a joke. Yes, CCP needs to sell crap in order to meet their quarterly targets so that the big boys get their bonus checks, but they’re wording their copy in the most obnoxious manner possible, and despite massive negative feedback, they seem to be either unaware of what they’re doing, or this is in fact their intent. And if it’s the latter, then that’s super-scary because it creates the appearance that they’re developing and promoting this game out of spite.


…in the insular bubble of the EVE-O forum, r/EVE and other such places that are home to whiny, entitled “EVE intelligentsia”. And maybe some “look at me” clickbait channels.

No one else cares.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Just out of curiosity @Mr_Epeen , I think I remember you from old forums as quite a passionate capsuleer who helped newbies etc etc. Why so change, what happened? Are you not playing anymore and just wish this game to die / to turn into a monstrosity? Or is this just genuine trolling? I can’t imagine someone who even remotely cares about the game to be okay with this change and to actually continue playing the game. I mean you must be aware of the results this change of mentality would bring here.

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Well, you certainly have me at a disadvantage, then. I have no idea who you are.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

I find the “CCP is a company, so it has to behave pathologically” argument interesting. Is this what BP should have said after their big oil spill? Or Bernie Madoff after he got in trouble? Or some car company that cuts costs and ends up killing people?


Removed some off topic posts.

The summer of rage is upon us!

CCP actually combined the hated mechanic of popups with microtransactions.

Just… Wow.


Yeah, he saw it on reddit. Said he was relaying concerns to the appropriate parties.

So you’re upset that paying players can buy skills, skins and other cosmetics in a package?

Is this because you think sp gives you an edge, and you don’t want to compete?
Is this because you can’t afford the new package, and think it should disappear?
Is it because you spent years on skills and think it’s unfair that things change?

As usual, people whine that you can buy stuff with real money. Any new change is a game killer, 20 years ago was best time, and you don’t even have to wake up at 2:16am to set your skill queue.
This is a video game that has lasted for almost 2 decades. It’s ground breaking for multiple reasons. Of all the things you want to whine about, it’s that you can pay money for a skill injector? One time.
Get absolutely bent.

It’s more of the fact that CCP themselves, several different devs, and recently another one has stated that they would not directly sell skillpoints to the players… this is effectively what they have done.


They have been for at least a couple years.

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So @CCP_Fleebix CCP doesn’t wanna sell skillpoints, but what is this then?

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It’s a real kick in the ol’ chicken bag if they learn that the players who blatted them are alphas.

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especially if the newbro who got blasted by an Alpha was an Omega pilot :stuck_out_tongue:

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Guys, get serious.
It’s all over the forums and rookie chat, that alphas can’t do anything in eve.

There’s plenty that Alphas can do… and if you say you can’t then you really don’t pay attention.

The problem is, Alphas don’t want to have to buy the Daily Skill Injectors off market to go above the 5 mil SP barrier they are at…