CCP is at it again

I mean… Do you disagree?


PCU is going into the toliet so let’s further divide, enrage and seperate the eve community into little tiny pieces until the only thing left is this brand new audience that will swipe at any chance to get a good deal on this week’s P2W package.

I wish CCP would try something radical like going back to their roots and what made this game fun in the first place. This current batch of Eve Developers appear to not have a clue as to what brought us here in the first place.


Sell as many skill points as you want and stop listening to reddit mobs. Skill points are not pay to win. Skill points dont win wars, they dont organize and motivate troops, if anything they just act as barriers to entry for each gameplay style. Sell 100m skillpoint packs for $500 if you want, I’d buy it.


In my oppinion it would be best to tie it to the total amount of SP on the account.
My wifes account is quite some years old but she stoped playing and has now returned.
She would be closed out from buying it, even though she hasn’t got that much SP by now.

It always strikes me as funny that when an issue is discovered such as an exploit (like the one that got this thread going) or something new that did not work as planned, everyone wants either to completely reinvent the wheel or take the opportunity to bash CCP for every single perceived failure since the beginning of time.

Eve is a niche game and will never be more than that for most people - and that is just fine. But it is a great niche game. And like all other games, it will evolve. I personally want to say thank you to CCP for reacting quickly to address this exploit. Nothing will ever be perfect because some players spend all day trying to figure out how to bend and warp things to their own advantage - so you control the aspects that you can and move on.

You do not have to move a mountain to pick up a rock. Try something meant to have a positive effect. If it does not work, retract it and move on.

Some of you have posted some really solid ideas in here. Some of you have posted pieces of solid ideas that when put together would be really nice to see implemented. However, posting them in an aggressive manner in the wrong place serves little purpose.


+1 for the cosmetics idea!
also had the idea of getting stickers for players, which they could add to their ship hull like stickers in CS:GO onto your weapon

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outa the way you poors, and let us rich people buy in 1 min what took you all 10+ years to achieve!!! haha

A million sp? You must have your attributes gimped to 1 lol

pretty much sums it up.

Its funny because, I actually quit the game after buyable skillpoints happened. I was rather pissed off that I spent 7 years or more skilling up the hard way to have a worthy character with high skills in the areas I worked so hard for, and then CCP cashes in to make millions quickly by making buyable skill points and then several people that same day maxed out their accounts with every skill in the game.

I was so pissed off by that, I quit that week. I squared things away, paid off debts, and quit.

Instead of making the game fun and interesting, you (CCP), chose to cash in and make a butt load of money fast with no concern for the game at all. Now I come back to look at how things are now and its just meh. I lost my Overview because of changes made, now the game has some eh changes, but its the same exact game as it was before with the same problems as before. Not much changes. You even ruined my Skiff and Procurer fittings.

I liked focusing fire on a single asteroid mining at great speed. My Skiff was faster than a Mackinaw when mining, properly fit. The faster cycle time meant that even though I had a smaller cargo hold, I would still get my ore before the guy running 10 accounts at once spamming Mackinaws all over the field using his multi-client manager tool to “cheat” his way to draining the entire belt. Of course, I actually lived in nullsec so that never really happened out there but still.

Its the same game it was years ago. Full of scammers spammers and griefers, or other types of unsavory players who cheat you any way they can for fun. I stopped posting suggestions on the forums back in the era when the goon leader was a CSM because when I did people trolled me and such, or the ideas just went ignored. You (CCP), only care about things that’ll make you money. Tiny easy changes that help players? Nah. Why do such a thing!


Yay make mining fun again by… Maxing yield!

Woooo! Hear that kids?! Rocks!

Spacerocks! Tell your fiends!


you can put 1000 plex in your plex vault and open a petition to get character moved to another account and they do it

Best post in this entire thread.

On an unrelated note, I’m looking forward to finally getting Cloaking V now, for the bargain price of $5.

Hello CCP / CCP Falcon,
please make this DLC pack available for multi-buy so I can support CCP with the money I earn in a real world 40 hours/week job by buying this DLC a dotzend time over or more.

I’m still missing about 35 million for where I want to be but 10 or 12 million SP for that amount of DLC wound be nice, for the moment.
And better to give my money to you for your salarys, for server maintenance, for new developments, for energy then to support those ISK whales in the game that plex their accounts not taking care of any of the costs a company does have, not spending any coin, dollar, euro, and in the end if CCP goes into bankrupcy because of this complaining “oh me so sorry for being such jar-jar-bink”.

Great idea this DLC
many thanks from a (more or less) newbie omega account player

Thanks in advance,

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WTF ! You do work at ccp, right?


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I think a better way to do what you guys are seeking to do is as follows:

Create a “Noob Arc” storyline where new players are sent on quite a few missions after tutorial, and I mean quite a lot. Where they are educated on the snowballing “incrementality” of skills/ships/training in Eve Online. Where they actively work towards a far off goal of let’s say their first cruiser of their choice. And over this Arc the rewards accumulate into them having perfect skills in THAT ship. I’m talking SP rewards too to speed up training, going to fetch parts from other star systems to help build the ship. Make them choose what they want to do with the ship and via that educate them on beginners level ship fittings by making the fit match their intention for the ship. They’ll have a personal connection with this ship after all that knowing that’s it them who built it and ran all those missions to be paid in skill points. Also, don’t make them read a bunch either, do it with voice actors. I can do voices and would gladly work for free to help you guys accomplish this.

Selling Skillpoints though results in a view of “Oh that game is Pay to win.” I mean Eve is far from pay to win but perception is a poison. So TLDR… Don’t sell Skillpoints, make Noob Arc that pays in Skillpoints that go toward their first perfect skilled ship. Fin.

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We have an official feedback thread on this topic now.

As such, I’m closing this one.