CCP is at it again

The old pack had 250k. This looks like all they did was increase the SP that was already available.

This pretty much nails it, IMHO.

Speaking generally now. Nobody here knows the reasons EVE’s population has been stagnant/declining, possibly not even CCP itself. Every game shrinks through attrition from their hay days. Throw in the turmoil that the entire gaming world is going through these last 5-10 years, with the F2P model just dominating revenue in the industry, it’s probably no wonder that EVE may be having a difficult time. If the choice was between looking at lights out or start the shift towards the predominant market, from a logical business standpoint, the choice seems pretty clear.

I’m sure EVE devs had grand visions when they first launched the game, but the realities seemed to show it was going to be a niche game even early on. But they should still be given credit for at least trying to stick to their vision for a fairly impressive amount of time comparatively for an MMO. And it’s not to say all hope is lost. The recent Invasion seems to take it’s cue from the “never change” crowd; no instant isk, rewards as drops/salvage, content for PvE, ninjas, and gankers. So much so that there are “EVE is dying” threads from PvErs about Invasion. But credit is rarely given from any side when things are supposedly done “right”, it truly is tough to please everyone.

Perhaps patience is warranted. It will likely take a little more time to see if Invasion was a “success” or not. Then afterwards, some clues may appear depending on which direction the content’s “fine tuning” goes, as well as how CCP does deal with the new starter pack in the end.

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@M_Cincinnatus main reason is CCP Ideas guys have become complacent and stale Take War Decs this could be a whole new thing with great content but CCP choose to take the easy way and make it a king of the castle.

Bounty hunting also could be a great NEW feature but ccp just wont tackle the big picture. CCP I beg you take on fomr NEW content we have enough fking skins jackets and fancy pants.

Eve will run aground if its remains on its current course. I have no issue with Injectors SP farming it does nothing to wreck the game other then make those who can’t afford to spend real money bitter. SP is what eve is SP are a mini game some enjoy some hate meh this is not the issue.

NEW content with substances the real issue, CCP instead of making monthly sugar fluffs I’d prefer a yearly steak banquet, as long as you don’t delete everyones Boot.ini again :stuck_out_tongue: but even that was better then what you deliver today :stuck_out_tongue:

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This seriously smells like “Pearl Abyss”…our new overloads, stretching their muscle for the 1st time. CCP will obviously deny this, but if it smells bad it is bad.

I think Dev has painted themselves too much into a corner regarding a lot of things related to development of this game.

The only way they can fix it is by pissing some portion of the player base off, real bad; and too many act too much like spoiled neck-beards for that to ever happen.

@Abruzzi_Oskold I hate to admit it but I recon you’re correct, CCP is more interested in new customers and are actually ok with shooting long term customers in the face with a bazooka.

The amount of game play that’s been destroyed to appease noobs is astonishing and as I’m a 16yr vet who actually yearly subed using real money, I’ve now let all 4 accounts drop and WILL not re-sub while ccp continue on this cause.

Any one who wants my stuff please open a new forum post detailing in 100,000 words why - include 4 pie charts 16 bar charts and 9 Cartesian Graphs with picture and references.

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I had thought you made that Graph up

But it is a real thing LOL

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The thing that has to be fixed is player retention. For both veteran players and new players.
First off all Eve is not a game that everyone is going to love, it is only going to keep certain types of players. And new players of each type will realize that catching up is not easy. It takes 6 weeks of training to have the skills to have any real chance in pvp, so 1000000 sp might make some of those people stay. The biggest thing for new player retention is to give them a chance to compete quicker. The thing for veteran player retention is to not screw everything up and still have a carrot dangling.
The biggest problem for Eve is that content is created by the players, CCP can’t really fix that. Veteran players burnout and new players can’t offer enough to be involved in the content other than being an easy boring target.
any way I guess eve is dying and all that…

@Iceacid_Frostpacker lol least I made you check lol I edumicated you some :stuck_out_tongue:

I might not have been present on that particular day at school eons ago though I just learnt that it was invented in the 17th century.

yeah couple yrs ago a snotty nose wet behind the ears new guy at work said I should have included one in my presentation , So I found where is dad lived and punched him for having a smart ass kid, so all worked out well :slight_smile:

I’m getting too old too lol

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Don’t respond.

You cant do anything about it. its not under your power to make any change. you cant calm us down. We ourselves cant calm us down. You dont know what we need. Not even any of us know what we actually need.

Both of you and us just care about EVE, and both have no clue on what to do.

…and thx for getting our feedback where it needs to go.

CCP will have problem soon. There are too many changes that drift people away from the game that at some point it will be imposible to salvage.

Focusing on new players retention and “destroying” vets gameplay in the process will end badly. It is sandbox game, depended on community. Playerbase must be established, what we seen now is slippery slope. Knowing how bad CCP is at reading data, and how slow they respond future looks dark.

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tldr - can I have your stuff

As already stated

Any one who wants my stuff please open a new forum post detailing in 100,000 words or more why - include 4 pie charts 16 bar charts and 9 Cartesian Graphs with picture and wikipedia references to all points made.


Blah blah numbers are falling blah blah… Been hearing that since 09… Try harder, it’s getting old. Either play… Or don’t.

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Actually the games I find most fun in the last 30 years always came from people who just made a fun game they really wanted to play. You know, you can tell when there is really heart in it. EVE used to be that way. Somehow that all worked and still does without “internal metrics” and a team of psychologists who try to figure out how they can hook people better and manipulate their attention and behavior.


Please tell me how the army is a free roaming… You know what, thus is better;

A arent
R ready for
M marines
Y yet

This is a post about nothing. It makes no difference to the game, this insignificant starter pack. Someone could just as easily buy plex and go to the skill injector market in jita. This just saves them a little time, they don’t have to run through poop filled Uedama, they don’t have to be subject to the prostitutes in jita, and maybe they save $10. Good on you CCP.