CCP is incompetent

Hello, the people who are in charge of the game are incompetent. I’m not saying this to spite them.

They need a job like everyone else but they should not have jobs they aren’t competent at. For example FW incentivizes win trading which is a practice banned in other games

But how did it get to this. How did incompetent people get in charge and how do you get competent people instead? Lets discuss or not. Have a nice day.

What is the mood like at CCP? Do you think you are doing a good job? If yes than all power to you

Posting in another Bakster thread.


Every organization has a problem where there are good and bad workers, as well as good and bad managers. I have no doubt CCP has some excellent workers and managers, the problem is they are probably able to apply effective creative direction to overcome EVE’s current inertia.

It might not be ‘their’ fault…

They probably cannot tell us, and even if they could it won’t mean anything.

A survey was sent out to devs to vote both for and against ganking. The results indicate that %40 of devs were in favour of removing ganking, and %40 wanted it to stay. %20 Of devs voted to kick SKINR square in the nuts…

I think there are some CCP folks who are doing a good job, I just wish they were doing a good job 10 years ago rather than forcing folk to endure two decades of cloaky camping, cyno-on-everything and garbage war declaration mechanics.

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it is not harsch at all, since you have not said anything at all so far,
this does however kind of shows off your own incompetence more than anything else.

I often criticize things CCP does, decisions they make, code they’ve implemented. That said, they’re much more competent at what they do than you are, for instance, at making forum posts.

CCP makes their own decisions for their own reasons. The reasons a dev chooses to do things a certain way will not always agree with how players want them done. They have different goals and resources involved.

If you want to point out something specific and offer constructive criticism on it, that’s perfectly acceptable forum behavior. If you’re just going to be an idiot and declare CCP incompetent with nothing to back it up, then I’ll happily report the post as against forum rules.

Feel free to try again when you have something meaningful to say, and understand how to communicate within the rules.


Every few months a new Mr. Knowitall™ appears on the forum. In nearly all cases someone who hasn’t shown any evidence of knowledge or skill in the game he talks about, but coming up with a lot of self esteem about his goal to change everything to the better. A savior for all of us.

At first, replies on multiple topics appear, always complaining about how things are.

Shortly after, own topics appear, with great ideas about how things should be.

In the beginning, other forum users who disagree or point of flaws in thinking are labeled as “trolls” or “haters” or as just not understanding the problem. At the end, the company is blamed for having such a bad product.

In the end, most of them disappear after a few weeks or months, with one or more “You made me quit!” topics blaming either “toxicity” or “trolling” or “the mods” or “CCP”. Pick one.

It’s always the same story. We have here just the next best one. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.


It seems OP didn’t receive the response he was hoping for. :thinking:


But there is a reason for that which was explained in the posts above so OP can learn from it or continue as before and harvest the same results in the future as well.

Also can not miss the opportunity to jokingly call OP an attempt at gaslighting in reference to one of his earlier threads about such topic. :smiling_imp:


Thread closed.

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