20 Posts have been deleted, as they were the personal Spat between two players, and the Following responses. As always, Responses to deleted posts have been Removed.
I think we need a thread about @ISD_Buldath killed the forum fun
There was nothing fun about it.
If you wouldnt say it to someone face-to-face at an EVE-Con, you shouldnt be saying it here either. Thats a fair test/standard.
This is just a game, afterall.
HS aggression mechanics are a mess, where each group cock-blocks the other on any proposed change.
The irony is that if each group gave a little ground, there would be more overall HS PvP for all.
You realize nobody is blocking anybody on changes right? CCP will make changes or not at their discretion regardless of the many thousand post long threadnaughts
Read accurately.
The point stands
Yes, the point stands that various groups are cock-blocking each other on change in HS aggression mechanics
Look at that gendered language you’re using.
And you whine at me for using ‘twat’?
If you two go one like this will people start calling you husband and wife.
Thankfully its not me being wed to him by the group anymore.
I really like the guys that don’t get that the times have changed recently and that this means that ccp will play the "even more casual and than some more casual on top " card in the future…
For those people the coming decisions of ccp will be a surprise and the special snowflakes will be crushed out of their cozy neck in the woods with a bulldozer…
But do not blame ccp,blame those people that don’t WANT to see what has to come and that want to avoid ANY change of the game…their salt is not worth the effort…just ignore them or laugh at them,because they got their buts powered for so many years that they thought it was their birthright…
No…times have changes buddies…
They’ve changed so much that you deleted your character.
Dead people don’t get to have an opinion.
Just wait till your choosen niche is unintentionally gutted of meaningful content when an adjacent mechanic is changed without proper consideration you brave anonymous npc.
Given how carebear CCP has become over the years and how often these “unintended” side effects happen, I’m not so sure they’re actually unintended.
Carebears have been trying the ”Eve will die if it doesn’t give me a safe space” card since the beginning without success so I don’t know why you think it is going to work now. In fact, given how little development resources are being spent on Eve compared to the past, CCP couldn’t turn Eve into a casual, carebear paradise even if they wanted to.
The ship has sailed - Eve is largely what it will be until the server shuts down. Sure, there will be small changes and some new features (like Abyssal space) will pander the masses largely unsuccessfully, but the core of the game is set and isn’t going anywhere.
CCP doesn’t have enough resources to fix the real problems with the game. They certainly don’t have enough dev-power to redesign the game in any significant way at this point.
This one was, CCP Foxfour on his way out of CCP opened up the API to allow third party sites to write into your contacts basically allowed sites like “set them red” to give you an instant and full watchlist with a simple copy/paste of a corp/alliance name.
This was all kinds of broken and it was done explicitly to force the hand of the game design team who up until this point had the watchlist on the long finger.
This was aimed at the lads that hunt supers and absolutely no thought was given to the surrounding areas that relied upon it for content i.e. any aggressive HS group that wasn’t a bunch of hub humping war spamming degenerats.
Without any reasonable time period to Ballance the surrounding mechanics the design team understandibly made the judgment call of just making watchlists mutual rather than fecking about with everything that damned thing was adjacent to.
Now I Know this to be the case because I literally heard it from Foxfour himself over a pint (sound lad actually).
So what you’re saying is that CCP is incompetent, has zero PVP experience and only listens&reacts to the CSM null lobbyists.