CCP lays of dozens and closes VR department

It seems that CCP has released Sparc game this week.

Kicking the VR teams, release new VR game (now) ā€¦ does this make sense?


I suppose itā€™s a better business decision than throwing the code away, but itā€™s giving the devs that worked on it the middle finger after the kick in the ass.


This is going to fail, enormously.


lmaoā€¦the only money ccp is getting from me is about Eve Onlineā€¦ the ONLY game theyā€™ve had running for a long whileā€¦ they have proven do not trust ccp games when it comes to new products they offer as they can not commit to the new productā€¦ its a cash grab nothing more nothing less.

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It seems that CCP has started new MMORPG project very fast after layoffs. Even this thread didnā€™t have time to close.

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They are talking about a new IP, so I assume itā€™s something else than EvE/Nova. Why Iā€˜m not full of confidence Hilmar will do something right this time ā€¦ :expressionless:

ā€¦ and bad news for EvE, gone the hope more focus will be put on it now.


It doens;t actually say new ip, just a new mmo. which could in theory be anything, but yea you are prolly right.

It is gone long time ago. Only very naive people could trust CCP after all these yearsā€¦


Assuming they donā€™t cross team any of the Devs, why is it relevant at all.
Totally different teams will be working on it.
And itā€™s unlikely to be a VR project so very few of the VR staff would have been suitable candidates for transferring (& those that are may very well have done so)

As it is, according to the update on this Polygon article, the VR department hasnā€™t closed as such and Valkyrie and Sparc will continue to be developed by CCP even after the Newcastle studio is sold (if not already):

So Iā€™m not so sure about this new MMO. On the one hand, good on CCP for being willing to try new things. On the other hand, sucks to be in the games industry where CCP failures are just par for the course across all studios.

I donā€™t see this impacting EVE development so much, but CCP laying off the community team for EVE was a significant blow. As an EVE player, Iā€™d prefer they bought people like Logibro and Leeloo back, before they go hiring devs for a new venture, but Iā€™m just a customer, not an equity owner.

This is the WTF factor, CCP fires veteran necessary personnel from their mainstay title, and one month later theyā€™re hiring for a new project. Weird.


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