CCP lays of dozens and closes VR department

People who make the most money do not risk to be innovative or creative in games. Look at what EA makes. They take a proven model and strap many additional “pay me!” techniques to it.

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say it loud and proud bruh

that’s is exactly what they need to do… but ive noticed something about eve online and CCP… they both have DENIAL PROBLEMS!.. there is a huge fawking denial problem in this community where it seems some are just afraid to step up and say… hey look this game does indeed have a problem…instead that mentality gets some twisted meta-type bullchit role-playing deflection to the games other issues.

will ccp do this? nope I doubt it cause they have a main griefer there who enjoys adding nothing but tools to grief with… until they let him go… eve will be ran straight into the ground… its already happening… go look… can you count above 30K active players anymore???

I want to challenge eve online and ccp … Can you even beat your own attendance record of active players online… real folks not alt army’s… I dare u…
I will wait.

Other topic was closed…still general comment to people claiming eve is pay to win…

But how is that winning? Just because you can fly a ship or have a skill to level 5 doesn’t mean you won. Heck by that logic, I win simply by subbing and training skills up.

Winning means you succeed against others who do not. Having skills won’t make you succeed where other’s don’t. For example, I could inject the skills to invent and build HICs. However, unless I know how to source my components and have Indy support behind me, I will always lose isk when making those hulls. Why… Because eve isn’t just pay to win. You have to know how to make the system work too and that knowledge can’t be bought.

For missioning, there is no winning. Getting a maurader may mean you can do the mission faster and gain more isk but there is none you are competing againt. There is no mission runner ranking so there is no way to be first or win. So with no win, you can’t pay to win either. You can pay to speed up time but that still doesn’t mean a win.

Look at PvP… You have 2 logi pilots, one who has no experience flying logi but has used injectors to get perfect skills for a guardian, and one who has only level 4 skills but a year’s worth of experience flying logi. I’ll pick the latter any day. Heck the latter could probably command a full logi group of newbies. The toon with the bought skills…tell him to setup a logi chain and see what happens.

Pay to win are things like golden ammo that delivers 100% more damage per shot than the default ammo. You have to use it to win or even compete. Eve doesn’t have that. Pay to win would be having a hull only purchase with PLEX that provides fleet bonus equivalent to 3 times the strength of a max combat boosting ship. If that existed, then yes pay to win because only groups with that ship would stand a chance against others using that same hulk. Eve doesn’t have that.

Yes, but they gambled like someone who plays for the first time like real amateurs.
They gambled on red knowing there is only black, convincing themselves in management meetings like donkey’s that they have a chance to win ! I point my finger not on the fact that they gambled, but they gambled stupidly. This type of gamble seems to be quite common at the moment up there in Iceland, which makes me believe that the head is sick.

What they did is try to warm up and use a technology existing since 20 years, which never picked up in the consumer market during this whole time. Why ? because the majority of the consumer market has no desire to own a VR set (consumers, unlike professionals, buy products based on desire!). 4K screens are better, cheaper and offer a better experience (even on a slow pace super hypothetical game). So why bother? if you cannot produce something better than the existing or if you do not truly believe yourself it’s better, then it has no purpose and therefore no reason to exist.

There is a difference between the desire/need to buy a product or simply smiling at it and say “it’s fun”. That is a huge difference. VR is just “fun”, but there is no need or desire to own it in your living room.

CCP invested money on something by reading magazines, following trends, they went through the “wannabe” path. In fact they did not innovate at all. They did not make any kind of initial research on the gaming consumer market, they did not even asked themselves the simple question: if my kids would be gamers, would I like to see them play it on a slow pace game VR set, turning their head around for hours like zombies ?



CCP Logibro was deeply involved with Alliance Tournament. Many other devs were functional parts of the online community. Eve Online will suffer as a result of these layoffs as other remaining devs will now have to be pulled away from their current duties to fill in for those who are no longer working with CCP. Just how much Eve-O will suffer remains to be seen.

Nah smaller group is more tight and productive…

Some ppl cant be helped or made see things …because they dont want to.

In fact letting go ppl is best thing that happened to EVE in a while.


Fully Agree… CCP Logibro…was a true bro for the gamers of eve online. I miss him already.


One thing I do not get… People keep saying that Valkyrie is dead. Yet in September, Valk dropped the VR requirement. You can go play now on a PC or PS4 without a VR headset. Do the game can still be played and can still generate revenue.

And the VR ground work is done. If you want new ships or such, they just have to be designed correctly. You don’t need a VR team for that just graphics artists that do the right job. So Valkyrie can keep going.

Valkyrie: Warzone haves abysmal user stats from Steam, which point that it hasn’t sold well, nor anything close to selling well. This is why the studio is being shut down, the game has crashed and burned even after removing the VR requirement.


If somebody takes a fleet of cars and hires drivers who do not or cannot use their cars and puts them to work via Uber…why is this bad? These people now have a source of income they previously did not.

As for AirBnB and gentrification might want to consider it is not AirBnB but actually land use regulations since gentrification was going on before AirBnB showed up.

Further, equating innovations to the kind of changes Malcanis’ law refers too means you do not understand it really. IRL the “Devs” are not entrepreneurs, but politicians. When the Devs make a change we have to accept it if we want to still play the game. When politicians make a change in policy you have to accept no matter what. Politics is really a polite way of using coercion. So entrepreneurs cannot make a change that falls under the RL version of Malcanis’ Law. In fact, there is a RL version of Malcanis’ Law and it is called Public Choice Theory and see also the closely related field of Social Choice Theory.

You are right, but for all the wrong reasons.

Leelo’s post:


That is so heart breaking to read; real raw emotions there. Not sure she would have wanted that up on Reddit, but at this time I’m not sure she is thinking too clearly and she had to know what was going to happen. I wish her health,hope, and healing.

So CCP has fired all the Community Relations department but Guard and Falcon…

What a disaster. Guess the 30 million for VR have become a heavy load and it’s time for people to lose their jobs over it even if they aren’t VR people.

It’s becoming a trend. Happened in 2011 after Summer of Rage, in 2014 after derecognizing WoD, now in 2017…


That is tough to read.

I believe that she also stated very eloquently what many in this thread have tried to find the words to describe about how ccp keeps “innovating” yet doing it wrong and failing and firing or laying off people and closing offices and shutting down games over and over.

She said.

Ccp can “innovative” every few years like people in this thread keep claiming, yet they will fail time and time again due to how ccp the company and upper-management is run.

Proof is in the pudding

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Its insane to fire the whole community team in a community driven game. The community team is the face of EVE. What are the higher-ups thinking? I bet they have never played EVE. They just see it as a cash cow.


Hilmar is actually one of the last remaining original devs. But he’s also destroying the game in his pure greed for ever more money to spend on toy projects that are doomed to fail from the start.


Most innovations fail. Talk about some serious survivor bias here in this thread…

Dang…Hilmar gives a rah-rah yay eve community speech at eve vegas…then shortly after the community team gets thrown out the airlock. So Hilmar knew that was going to happen when he spoke in vegas…

Kinda like giving a toast at the red wedding before giving the signal to execute order 66.


VR system is the same bust as 3D TV’s … nobody is really into it as of yet. With cheap toys (VR headset) found in stores across America, I would suspect it being pretty popular in about 7-10 years as that new consumer demographic ages.