CCP Peturrson, Has A Fantasy

At ten minutes into the video, CCP Petursson mentions a fantasy that he has regarding a Senate and Supreme Court being added to Eve Online.

The Senate part I get, in order for a Senate to actually work, a larger number of players, must first start playing. Otherwise, bots would have to represent the People in the Forums. In order for the Senate dream to work, Eve Online has to grow to incorporate a larger number of players. Senators could be chosen from among the player base. Senators would then set up fleet support channels for mining, fleet ops, etc. But one the main goals of the Senator would be to help with game issues and questions. Each major trade hub would be the Senate House with other systems housing Lower Senate houses that would also help with in game issues. Senators would help reduce the burden that is seen in the Help channel on a daily basis, could help to retain new players who may never have a question answered in the Help channel.

Senators would also deal with legal issues, such as gankers, ganking in a system. The dispute is handed to the Supreme Court, the Court then hands down the verdict for the in-game related issue and justice administered. In this case, a fleet of ten players are dispatched to the system where the ganking is taking place and justice served.

The word that you were looking for is multi-verse.


It would just be stacked with nullā€¦


ngl this sounds so cool on paper lolol.

I just turn off brain and logical thinking and just say YES to the idea.

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everyone should listen good at the 25min mark

/ i know what he is talking about and that is why i gave some isk to help replace their ship loss

I canā€™t wait to join the Imperial Galactic Senate.



Now Iā€™m stuck with a strange feeling of guilt with having helped a few thousand others kill Hellmar in his Titan in Jita.

No, Iā€™m lying.

What caught my attention was the passage about ā€œnot feeling comfortable with that level of responsibilityā€ (re banning people). It doesnā€™t sit well because - ultimately - the final decision and power will always lie with CCP, no one else. Thatā€™s where it should be. Itā€™s part and consequence of the business and product they chose to market. Adding another layer (of paying customersā€¦) to act as something that cannot be called anything else but a buffer and an excuse, a Peopleā€™s Tribunal of sorts where even game access gets decided based on conduct or whatever fits the mood, will not lead to an improvement of the player base.


Perhaps more feedback on that from CSM (re banning people).

The former Republic Senate.


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Im surprised more players havent gotten involved in the discussion to help bring the Senate idea to life.

Why? Tell us why you think this is a good ideaā€¦

Foremost it would lead to legal issues, for sure. :rofl:

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I have disbanded the Senate, effective Stardate 1011011101.1111010010.


I donā€™t think either a Senate or a Supreme Court would be a good fit for EvE. New Eden is a dystopic nightmare where in most places might is right and void take the hindmost. In High Sec CONCORD struggles to keep a lid on the excesses of capsuleers and I like it like this. IRL we are constrained by laws and regulations. In New Eden we can let rip to our black hearts content. Among capsuleers scamming is considered an art form and a new scam is greeted with adulation before we go out and try to catch some suckers before they know of it. ā€œBuild your dreams, wreck their dreamsā€ is a perfect saying for EvE, and long may it continue.



Simply because politics makes things boring.

Star Wars Episode One was basically a political drama.


I see syllogisms are not your strong point. There really is absolutely zero deductive connection. In fact it really is quite the reverse, as more players would in turn require more representatives if one had anything like a proportional representationā€¦rather than some Alice In Wonderland version in which more representatives somehow invoke more playersā€¦lol.

I think Hilmar was discussing not so much the issue of banning people in the first place, but that of letting them back in again after some periodā€¦and whether the latter could be more prone to favouritism.

But why would a ā€˜Senateā€™ be any less prone to favouritism ? Iā€™d argue it could be more so, especially if the Senate is predominantly ruled by precisely the bloc the offender came from.


Does that coincide with the ScamCitizen release date? :thinking: :smirk: :blush:


He logs in to the game more than any of the people posting in here. That gives his opinions more weight than anything you NPC armchair game designers have to say, in my opinion.

Carry on.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I think kill rights for crimes is a good idea. This is for High Sec.

If a player continues to steal from jet cans past 25 times, the player gets flagged with a three day kill right.

Players coming into high sec with a low security status, between 0.0 and -4.99, the player will receive a five day kill right flag.

If EvE on-onlineā€™s core tenent is PvP, then those who come into High Sec from Low Sec to raid, and pillage or hide, why should High Sec allow such criminals to come into High and pillage and then return to Low Sec?

The same with ESS raiders, if you donā€™t use a key and raid five ESS sites, you get a criminal kill right tag added for five days or better yet, you get an ESS Raider tag added to your name, one day for each ESS site raided.

I have raided numerous ESS sites and have been caught a couple of times, but I have gotten away more times than not. A simple jump back into High Sec and I can make away with billions. I shouldnā€™t be allowed to simply get away with billions. My raids should come with the added risk of the Kill Right added to my name.

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Yes. But one problem is CONCORD.