CCP, please mirror!

CCP, can we please get another mirror soon? I’m sure I speak for more than just myself when I ask, I’ve been scourging the forums this past week and I’m sure you’ve sensed how edgy people are.

I’ve recently re-subbed to the game, been back for nearly ~2mo which unfortunately was not captured in the last mirror. I don’t know what my old password was.

Any response would be appreciated :slight_smile:


please yes! i have re subbed 2 accounts and check daily to see if i can test some things on test server but it says i am still not omega… we would love another mirror! please and thank you

you can buy plex on the market to go omega, its only 5k isk or so.

If you just need to be omega, you can just buy plex ingame and omega on sisi

I agree. I’d like to test things out as well but get the login invalid issue. Is there a schedule for when things are mirrored?

Whenever CCP feels like it by the looks of it

i want mirror nao. i also want to be ignored #ccplease

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plus 1
I am new in TQ
And SISI don’t recognize me

I fully support a new mirror missed out on mass test do to the mirror not being updated -_-

mememe want mirror pls


CCP plz dont mirror, my titan is almost ready!

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please mirror but in new year. im preparing to build few supercarriers in delve

When was the last mirror?

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When will the next mirror be?
Why did the situation with the test server become worse than in the old days, when any pilot with omega could ask to activate his status on the test server?
Is this a deliberate humiliation of players?

Last mirror was September and they average 3 months so a new mirror before Christmas is likely but not guaranteed. The test server is a development resource, not a player resource - we’re basically volunteer guinea pigs to help test new features before they are deployed to the production server.

Also read before writing - half the posts in this forum are the same topic (and the same answers)

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And now there ís new feature to be tested, why u no mirror?

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Me love you longtime.

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Tell me more honestly: eve-online is not for players, but for making money. But if you want to receive money from a person, you must respect him. And if it is possible to provide him with an existing service without any costs on your part, it is better to do it. Otherwise, he will go to competitors.