He’s probably pissed that conduits don’t spawn every 10 seconds in high sec now…
This is revisionist history. Don’t ignore the fact that highsec ganking was such a problem in the early days of EVE, when you could tank CONCORD, that CCP had to change the mechanics to the current auto-death system to break up the permanent 23/7 gatecamps that killed everything trying to enter the market hubs.
@Shaigh needs a lifetime ban CCP.

Not opportunistic and institutionalised
So stop willingly providing them the opportunity. No one put a gun to your head and forced you to autopilot a completely untanked freighter carrying 137 quadrillion ISK worth of crap through Uedama….
While i only skimmed this thread, the replies are standard from hard nosed pvpers. " This is a pvp game and you must submit to interstellar space bullies at all times!" Even as their game dies they hold fast to this and refuse to change their view just so they can get a few cheap easy kills to fill their killboards they drool over.
This game has lost a significant amount of players from its peak. Its stagnant and people are simply tired of “player created content” because as you can see from a sov map time lapse, the content players “create” is the same boring ■■■■ they been creating for 10 years.
J-space is garbage and has been ruined by the great experiments of no local, no sov, no good rats( originally), and losing all your stuff if structure popped.
Low sec was ruined a long time ago by pvpers relentless farming of anyone who attempted to use the place while actually not using the place themselves.
Hi sec was ruined by CCP because they …wanted to force people to live in null? So they made all the asteroids garbage, let suicide ganking thrive, let people who harass other people ( CODE) get away with it and generally made hi sec an undesirable place to be. My mission hub use to have between 30-60 people depending on the time of day, now it can barely break double digits half the day.
Null is the biggest joke of all. The giant blue donut persists and grows ran by internet Napoleons who will try to convince you they “create content” by FORCING their members into ridiculous wars because they are bored with the content they have been creating for a decade. When in fact all the donut has done is made null an ever increasing stale place to live and play. And you cant even krab without being harassed about going on blob fleets that involve a lot of waiting, some flying and rarely any actual pvp you might get to shoot at someone once before they explode. YAY!
We know CCP will not interfere in null because they didnt on Serenity and literally let the Chinese kill their version of the game by allowing one intergalactic space bully to rule the entire server so everyone else just stopped logging in.
CCP and the die hards need to get their head out of the sand or their precious little " ITS A PVP GAME!" isnt going to exist for much longer.

" This is a pvp game and you must submit to interstellar space bullies at all times!"
No one has said this, you are literally making that up.
“This is a pvp game and if you don’t want to lose stuff, learn the ways to avoid losing it”
Would be more accurate, though still not an actual quote.

" This is a pvp game and you must submit to interstellar space bullies at all times!"
No. “This is a PvP game and you should treat it like one, learn to defend yourself, and fight back until the threats leave you alone”. Nobody is forcing you to be a helpless perma-victim.
J-space is garbage and has been ruined by the great experiments of no local, no sov, no good rats( originally), and losing all your stuff if structure popped.
That’s odd, because as I hear it the WH players are happy with the state of things. Perhaps you are just bad at EVE and not able to succeed in more challenging space? Maybe risk-averse low-skill players like you should play a different game?
My mission hub use to have between 30-60 people depending on the time of day, now it can barely break double digits half the day.
You should be happy about this! Fewer mission runners means more value for your LP. Unless of course you’re one of the people who is too lacking in skill to succeed against adversity…
And you cant even krab
There’s your problem. Stop obsessing over making the numbers in your wallet go up through mindless repetition of the same menial task, start paying attention to the things that actually make EVE fun.
welcome to eve online. Look in the news this company is about to go bankrupt. The employees are fleeing in record numbers. The survey done this last year shows 89% of new players quit eve after only 7 days. I think the sh@t really didn’t hit the fan till the FTP doors opened the hacker flood gates. I give this game 18 months before its gone. CCP is putting 99% of their efforts into the mobile eve online game. The toxic trolls and bots are all thats left of the CCP community…

The survey done this last year shows 89% of new players quit eve after only 7 days.
And? The survey also shows that something like 50% of new players quit before even logging in. Every MMO has poor retention rates when you define it like that because most players spend a few minutes, get distracted by something else, and never come back. That has nothing to do with PvP.
PS: stop being so salty about having your station destroyed, your whining is getting obnoxious.

Hi sec was ruined by CCP because they …wanted to force people to live in null? So they made all the asteroids garbage, let suicide ganking thrive, let people who harass other people ( CODE) get away with it and generally made hi sec an undesirable place to be. My mission hub use to have between 30-60 people depending on the time of day, now it can barely break double digits half the day.
So when ccp was in its golden age and had more players than ever before or since:
- Ganking was easier and cheaper.
- The asteroids in highsec were worse than today.
- Wardecs were cheaper and every corp was war eligible.

No. “This is a PvP game and you should treat it like one, learn to defend yourself, and fight back until the threats leave you alone”. Nobody is forcing you to be a helpless perma-victim.
Or you could go play another game and take your wallet with you. Look, ive been there. I ve been that guy that said " This is a pvp game adapt or go play something else." But when i did it we had 45-55k logins peak and we were growing. Now its time for die hards to take some of their own medicine. Adapt to the market or.watch.your.game.die. Your choice.

That’s odd, because as I hear it the WH players are happy with the state of things.
All 162 of them!?!? Wow! That is impressive. We can take the W on that one.

Perhaps you are just bad at EVE and not able to succeed in more challenging space?
Ive spent over 90% of my eve life in null and over a year living in J space? Maybe your head is just stuck in the sand???

Maybe risk-averse low-skill players like you should play a different game?
Interesting you assume im low skill because my opinion differs from yours. Im not low skill but i have been playing different games. You are only proving my point you know? The same people telling others they need to “adapt or leave” are the same ones who refuse to let the game adapt to market and will ultimately ride eve to an unspectacular death.

You should be happy about this! Fewer mission runners means more value for your LP. Unless of course you’re one of the people who is too lacking in skill to succeed against adversity…
You really do make huge assumptions dont you.

There’s your problem. Stop obsessing over making the numbers in your wallet go up through mindless repetition of the same menial task, start paying attention to the things that actually make EVE fun.
Maybe i like krabbing? Making i like doing industry or mining or plexing. Maybe i also like pvp but maybe i like a lot of different things. Maybe i want to be able to play the game my way instead of your way. Maybe that is the point that people cant get through to #bitterdiehards
You think only your way is the “correct way” to play eve, typical fanboi

welcome to eve online. Look in the news this company is about to go bankrupt. The employees are fleeing in record numbers. The survey done this last year shows 89% of new players quit eve after only 7 days. I think the sh@t really didn’t hit the fan till the FTP doors opened the hacker flood gates. I give this game 18 months before its gone. CCP is putting 99% of their efforts into the mobile eve online game. The toxic trolls and bots are all thats left of the CCP community…
Oh i know its going down the loo. It started to die the day the last founder left and the investors had full control. that is the day that the creative department lost all of its power and the marketing department gained it. It then become all about making the most money with the least amount of investment.
it is also what happens to games, you think people who invest in video games would learn they would make far more money by putting people in charge who had a passion for video games instead of accountants. They remove the very things that make the games successful.

And? The survey also shows that something like 50% of new players quit before even logging in. Every MMO has poor retention rates when you define it like that because most players spend a few minutes, get distracted by something else, and never come back. That has nothing to do with PvP.
They quit because the game fails to appeal to new players. Which is fine when you are making throw away mobile games . have you play the tutorial lately? I did. Its garbage and its been “improved” since the original. Not only is it garbage but its nearly impossible to find the button to turn it off since they put it in the most illogical spot, you have to either spend a lot of time hunting for it or spend time on google. Most people lose interest by then.
Eve use to be ok when it could retain players. It wasnt a big deal that most players who tried it left because the ones who stayed often stayed for a year or more. It doesnt retain players like it did. Most of the characters i see in eve now have either been created since 2016 or have been in an NPC corp for years.
Im a ~13 year vet of the game and each time i take a break my breaks get longer and i come back for less time. When i came back this time i subbed 3 of my accounts as i was going to switch a bunch of characters to industry and focus on the building part of the game for a while to change it up. I still do many of the things i use to do as well. After a few weeks i unsubbed 2 accounts and now i play one account and mostly one character on that account and i only log in really to pew pew once in a while, so i doubt eve is going to get more than one or two more months out of me.
This game is not the game i fell in love with. Investors have completely trashed it. Eve use to have some of the best hardware tech. I can tell they have downgraded it significantly. Its sluggish and clunky and unresponsive. I have to give the same order multiple times to get it to respond at times. it is full of bugs and they refuse to fix many things players have complained about for a while. Why invest in a game that the investors do not invest in? This will probably be my last hoorah in Eve before it dies. And i have another space game i can go play and it cost a flat $60 and i can still play online with people. Eve is technically better, but i dont need to invest $15-$60/month in that game for it to be fully playable like i want which is the case with Eve.

So when ccp was in its golden age and had more players than ever before or since:
- Ganking was easier and cheaper.
- The asteroids in highsec were worse than today.
- Wardecs were cheaper and every corp was war eligible.
(pulls your head out of the sand) Yes i do have thoughts.
Ganking is no harder now than it was then. Ganking is also not expensive. Even with a garbage tick in null you can outfit a couple of gank ships and that is if your bad at ganking and cant live off ganking.
The asteroids were not worse. Have you actually mined hisec back in the day and today? The asteroids in high sec belts are tiny and plagued with:
- NPC strip mine groups that will completely mine out an entire belt in a few hours
- tiny asteroids that deplete in less than one cycle and that is with a t1 strip miner and no crystals.
- Ore anoms that are often mined out because they are the only thing in high sec worth mining. But you have to fly severals jumps in some of the slowest sub caps in the game only to find out their is a single asteroid of omber left with about 900 m3.
- Triglavians that will murder you unless you are flying a tanked exhumer or orca. They dont make it a “newbie friendly” environment. sure experienced pilots can find a way around it, but new pilots will only get frustrated and quit because they lack the ships, skills, and knowledge.
- People like CODE who harass new players whose harassment is condoned by CCP because they have some monetary gain with “mining licenses” which is really just a way to make their harassment TOS/EULA friendly.
It only took them 10 years to do something about the out of hand wardeccing. It was to little to late to have much of an impact. That needed to be a thing when Eve was at its peak because those new players didnt have to worry about constant wars while trying to learn the game with other players in a player corp. But they waited until the flood of new players became a trickle and then decided to change it.

But when i did it we had 45-55k logins peak and we were growing.
And now, after CCP nerfing PvP and trying to appeal to risk-averse PvE players, we have fewer logins and we are shrinking. Coincidence?
Interesting you assume im low skill because my opinion differs from yours.
No, I assume you’re a low-skill player because the specific opinions you post are all about how EVE is “too hard”. Too much suicide ganking, no asset safety in wormholes, etc. This is a very clear concession that you do not have the skill required to succeed in EVE and you want to make everything easier so you can have your participation trophy.
Ganking is also not expensive.
Stop lying. Or have you forgotten that you used to get full insurance on gank ships, making it much cheaper to do?
That needed to be a thing when Eve was at its peak because those new players didnt have to worry about constant wars while trying to learn the game with other players in a player corp.
So how exactly did new players learn the game in EVE’s best growth period, where war was even cheaper and had fewer restrictions?
How many alts has this guy got?
CCP Please Stop Destroying EVE
Please stop complaining and whining about a game you don’t like and find something else to play.

- NPC strip mine groups that will completely mine out an entire belt in a few hours
- tiny asteroids that deplete in less than one cycle and that is with a t1 strip miner and no crystals.
- Ore anoms that are often mined out because they are the only thing in high sec worth mining. But you have to fly severals jumps in some of the slowest sub caps in the game only to find out their is a single asteroid of omber left with about 900 m3.
- Triglavians that will murder you unless you are flying a tanked exhumer or orca. They dont make it a “newbie friendly” environment. sure experienced pilots can find a way around it, but new pilots will only get frustrated and quit because they lack the ships, skills, and knowledge.
- People like CODE who harass new players whose harassment is condoned by CCP because they have some monetary gain with “mining licenses” which is really just a way to make their harassment TOS/EULA friendly.
- Then move. Duh.
- Are you mining in starter systems or something. Move.
- Or just iwithin 5 jumps of Jita? MOVE.
- Lets see I know this one. Move.
- Wise up. See 1,2,3 and 4
Christ you are bad at this game.
Why dont YOU take your wallet to the 1000000000 other games that cater for safespace playing and leave the one place for the rest of us alone, huh?
This is why the middle class is hated by the rest of us you know.
Says the guy who recently made a salt-soaked thread about how his structure got blown up and lied blatantly about the circumstances behind it…

And now, after CCP nerfing PvP and trying to appeal to risk-averse PvE players, we have fewer logins and we are shrinking. Coincidence?
Nerfing PVP? LOL, ok

No, I assume you’re a low-skill player because the specific opinions you post are all about how EVE is “too hard”.
That isnt what i said at all. You just process it that way so you can attack it. You know strawman and such. I said Eve needs to adapt to the market if it wants to survive instead of catering to diehard fanbois. By the way while i was gone from Eve for 3 years i met and talked to a lot of former eve players about why they left. Same stagnant boring blue donut sandbox with no real new content came up A LOT but was only a few of the things we discussed about the things that drive vet eve players away from eve.

Stop lying. Or have you forgotten that you used to get full insurance on gank ships, making it much cheaper to do?
If you think gank ships are expensive then you should spend more time learning how to make isk and less time trolling the forums. Ganking is only expensive if your bad at it.

So how exactly did new players learn the game in EVE’s best growth period, where war was even cheaper and had fewer restrictions?
Its not about how they learned the game its about the numbers. Im not going to try to teach you how numbers matter but the basics are this:
- Say 1000 sign ups a day at peak
- 10% player retention at 7 days = 100 players
- 50% experience a wardec in the first 30 days.
- out of the 50 players, 50% stop playing/lose interest because of wardec mechanics while they are trying to learn. = 25 players who stick around after being wardecced ( daily average)
- 200 new sign ups a day
2)20 players stay more than 7 days. - 10% experience a wardec.
- ( 10% quit rate because of wardecs) out of two players, none stop playing because of a wardec.
Then with current wardec mechanics:
- 1000 sign up
- 100 players retained,
- 10% experience wardec
- out of those 10 players 1 quits because of the wardec( 10% emoquit)
Assume ( to keep the numbers easy) 100% retention for between 7-30 days.
The total number of people retained under the old system at peak. was 75.
The total current retained 20.
The total that would be retained at peak under the new system is 99. you would, in this scenario retain 133% more players than you would under the old mechanics at peak.
All the stats are made up. Its the ratio that matters. These wardecc mechanics applied at peak would have been far far more effective than they were when implemented.

So when ccp was in its golden age and had more players than ever before or since:
- Ganking was easier and cheaper.
- The asteroids in highsec were worse than today.
- Wardecs were cheaper and every corp was war eligible.
They have no thoughts. They just want to whine and cry like bitches.
I can’t even imagine the reaction today if it went back to the pre barge/exhumer buff and the age of solo player arty apoc and tornados ONE-SHOTTING hulks in 1.0 space. Lol.

That isnt what i said at all.
Stop lying.
“J-space is garbage and has been ruined by the great experiments of no local, no sov, no good rats( originally), and losing all your stuff if structure popped.”
If you think gank ships are expensive then you should spend more time learning how to make isk and less time trolling the forums. Ganking is only expensive if your bad at it.
An individual player’s income is irrelevant. The point is that ganking is indisputably more expensive than it was in EVE’s best growth periods, so it’s absurd to argue that easy ganking is the cause of declining player numbers.
All the stats are made up.
IOW, none of your imaginary numbers matter because you just made up stuff to “prove” your argument. And you still have no response for the fact that wars were indisputably cheaper and less restricted in EVE’s best growth period.