CCP Please Stop Destroying EVE

Eh, actually…
That was never the case relatively.
Remember high sec used to be the exclusive source of low end minerals, Then null sec players whined so much CCP added low ends to all the null sec ores. And the great titan fleets were born because they were no longer limited by what high sec would mine and sell.

Of all the complaints the relative needing of high sec ore is actually an accurate one. Even if on paper high sec has slightly better ore now relatively it’s far far worse off.

Calm down, miner.

Yes it objectively is.

Yes they objectively were.

You can mine 400k m3 +15% arkonor, gneiss and spod rocks today. This is far more lucrative than anything 10 years ago.

Ore anoms don’t have to be scanned down today, they are much easier to find than 10 years ago.

AND mining in a hulk gave you both the best mining yield, capacity and tank.

It actually looks like you haven’t been playing the game. That’s the only reason i can think of your lack of knowledge being this bad.

You also don’t seem to understand the EULA either.

Code’s ganking not being considered harassment has nothing to do with their role-playing or their permit and everything to do with ccp’s definition of harassment…

And yet when wardecs were far more common we didn’t have a retention problem. And nerfing decs (three times) has never once lead to better retention.

Is it embarrassing when you have to be dishonest or ignorant to have your view?


10 years ago trit was 2-3isk a unit. And that was with +10% veldspar at best.

Or you had mex at 20-30ish isk a unit with +10% plag at best.

The biggest rocks you could get were what 10km3? Maybe a tiny bit bigger? And you, as an aussie, got the scraps of what was left in the belts just before down time…scraps so little you didn’t even believe me that 100k dense veld rocks existed. We had that discussion didn’t we?

That’s nothing compared to moon rocks today which are massive by comparison and trit is at 5isk a unit and mex is what? 50ish or sumin?..and we still have the normal asteroid belts and anoms on top of that.

No. I disagree.

Mining in hi-sec and the rocks available have never been better. Relatively speaking or otherwise.

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The wise Aussie mined well away from the trade routes and hubs, when I was working nights I often met Aussies in places with untouched belts.

As with everybody else, not all Aussies were wise Aussies :stuck_out_tongue:


If they were mining they were not wise at all.

I’d like to say it again just to hammer things home.

Mining barge/orca yield is UP.
Mining barge/orca tank is UP.
Mining barge/orca capacity is UP.
Rock value is UP.
Gun mining is DOWN.
Wardecs are DOWN.
Ganking is DOWN.

It is the golden age of high-sec mining…and we have retention problems.

But during the golden age of skull duggery and non-consensual pvp…


Also jetcan mining is gone, so ore thieving no longer exists.

Ninjing now flags me

It is kinda obvious why this happens, even. People (mostly) do not enjoy mining as activity; mining only serves some of their goals in the game. Nowadays many people mine only for sake of increasing mining profits, thus quickly losing interest in the game, which leads to bad retention. If they had some other, interesting goal, like revenge on ganker or PvP mastery, they would stay with higher probability.

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Ninja mining, a moon presumably, gets you flagged?

If so that’s bollocks.

Carry some ammo.

And on top of that, miners (that i have observed) aren’t big interactors. Less inclined to pay attention to the client. Less inclined to interact with other players. Less inclined to form emotional bonds with other players. Less inclined to have a magic moment. Less inclined to keep playing.

How many times have i seen on the forums
‘i just want to mine on my own in peace.’


Just look at all the whining about how triglavian NPCs prevent them from AFK mining all day.


I doubt it. I was doing it yesterday.

Perhaps ninjaing can miners.

No idea, I dont, but like I would, but afaik it doesnt, so I dont

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Quietest comms with the best discipline (for me) tend to be mining ops.

Why? Cause everyone is alt tabbed or checking on their industry.

I’ve had people talking about their hair over live pvp comms…but mining ops? Complete silence.

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Ahh, kay.

Ninja looting on the other hand, wouldn’t be fun without flagging, the fun coming from the possibility of the other guy being a fool and taking a pot shot at you.

@Ralph_King-Griffin and @Omar_Alharazaad liked to play this game.

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Oh Im not complaining, I was adding to the list of things that are apparently easier now.

Who have you been mining with?

That sounds absolutely nothing like my experience of either High-Sec or Null-Sec mining comms.