Mistakes were made, CCP will compensate as they’ve done before.
Give out worthless game assets or plex that you as a company clearly don’t value or have to get your ■■■■ together. Guess I will be getting some new skins.
There is no incentive to never release something like that.
I have a couple of golden monocles and I am sure that one day, CCP will release more of them and I will see my collection plummet in value.
There is nothing that says they will never release them again. Last change and limited to me means, if you don’t get it now you might need to wait a very long time to get it again.
Nowhere does it say they will never release it again.
So… I did not spend any USD on mine but ingame isk converted to plex. So let me go right now and complain to the ASA that they costed me ingame isk. I swear this game is full of muppets sometimes.
“Never be sold again” doesn’t prevent CCP from giving them away to everybody at Halloween. 0-0 is going to need to get some space lawyers to help her with this.
Why issue the great coat then? Hmmmmm,
CCP has the corporate memory of a gold fish, its the same mistakes every staff turn over.
Oz actually told ccp about issues with re-issue in daily log ins. CCP’r said he would actively prevent it but here we are 1 week later and re-issuing final offer police skins.
Anyway ccp pets gonna pet. I know CCP will compensate because meh, wtf do they care about in game asset value, nothing clearly.
Don’t be silly I don’t need a lawyer I have ASA.
Won’t even get that far, CCP will compensate it was an accident. If I don’t reply assume I’m happy & have agreed to a NDA.
Did CCP explicitly state they would never release these skins again?
It seems to me you interpreted the ‘last chance to buy during this limited time sale’ as something it wasn’t. That’s the danger of speculating: you took a risk and lost.
Most notably: they talk about limited time, not limited edition like your title suggests.
You know he opens tomorrow because you’ve read the TOS. You agree there.
If you were new to planet Earth (as you appear to be) and I just dropped you into a pub with nothing to read and you heard him say ‘last orders’ you would have no idea that he didn’t mean LAST EVER orders. Context is everything. The accompanying TOS clarifies the nature of ‘last’ in this case.
That’s all 100% fact so far.
So now what bit of accompanying text, which TOS text did you READ or SEE at the time of the 2019 Police SKIN sale that made it clear that they would never sell those again?
… waiting …
Where’s the context / TOS / that allows you to be convinced that they meant ‘last ever’ to the point that you start calling people muppets who understand that they meant ‘last chance IN THAT SALE’.
The burden of proof is on you.
Where’s your evidence that they meant ‘last ever’?
I see XBOX Live game sales all the time, they happen on a fairly regular basis and last 7 or 14 days. Towards the end they start putting ‘last chance at 50% off’ announcements on the XBOX start up screen. If however you miss THAT sale, you can usually wait 6 months or a year and again those games will go on sale.
No one assumes ‘last chance’ during a particular sale event means ‘last ever, ever, ever in the history of the universe chance’.
Evidence needed, please post any which I doubt exists as Microsoft are experts in advertising & cut contract with partners who fail in their expertise.
This forum is for CCP’s eve online if you have a dispute with Xbox put it to them in their forums.
Yet again why did ccp issue the great coat as compensation?
I now have issue with both & will be tagging head hunters onto my complaint as I feel it will strengthen it.
CCP sell something, stating they will not do something then they do it.
Others defend their fraud by stating utilising a go between digital currency gives them the right to.
Ok, bro.
I actually don’t want compensation now, I want to see ccp put in writing that they are comfortable defrauding people via plex & they feel no legal remedy is warranted owing to their control of a digital currency. I’ll frame it. But in the end CCP are not muppets, they will correct this mistake.
The rest of the population is expert at understanding the difference between last chance at a specific time during a specific event and last chance ever in history.
You making stupid assumptions isn’t something CCP or Microsoft or anyone else needs to employ their expertise to prevent.
The world mostly operates on the basis that people have brains and common sense and can figure things out (not always true obviously).
You made a dumb assumption and you were wrong. As much as you want that to be someone else’s fault, to the point you could take some kind of legal action against them, it isn’t their fault. You did the dumb.
They did with head hunters, my ticket and complaint will state this :).
I will also refrence their previous correction. If CCP want to state they are not taking said action again owing to plex given them some sort of right to defraud or exemption from legal remedy then I will be just as happy, I’ll put it in a frame with muppets & call it gaming memoribila.