CCP should add a character rename certifacate

Except that some GM can decide to take your name, and with it goes years of reputation building.

And they can do it without warning or even a “why did you choose this name?”

solution add a name history tab then it could be possible
and also given an alert to anyone that has somebody said to negative or positive this person is change their name
there should also be a history for the character if it was traded at all to another account

So this affects me a lot. I signed up in 2006. I didn’t like the game much back then. But it’s a lot better now, and I’m actually getting into it now that I returned. But didn’t really want to make a new character because I have a few million skill points. I made this name not thinking I’d be very into it back then (which I wasn’t). I still did sub back then, and I lose my 2006 registration history, so it would feel like a massive loss to start over at least emotionally.

Yes, just add it to name history.
You can also do it how Steam had it with an “Also known as”. When you click someone’s pilot info, it’d have their name and then slightly smaller print of “A.K.A. [previous name]”.

Could also make it so name change is a slow process that takes 90 days, and during that 90 days another player can play the PLEX back plus an additional fee to block it. So if someone really doesn’t want someone to change their name because they have a reputation attached to it, they can keep watching it and stop them.
Something like:

  • Player pays 500 PLEX to submit their legal rename request.
  • They have a pending bureaucracy icon by their name in chat and pilot info over the next 90 days, similar to a suspect or criminal icon.
  • To block the request, another player may pay 1000 PLEX, plus an additional 20 PLEX each day since it was submitted, so 2780 PLEX if they wait for the 89th day, to void someone’s legal name request. This PLEX goes directly to the player whose request was blocked as a refund plus restitution, while CPP keeps the original 500 PLEX.
  • If a request is blocked by another player, that player can’t submit another legal rename request for 30 days.
  • If a request is successful, they can not change their name again for 2 years. Their previous name will show in history (possibly as “AKA [previous name]” as well.

Anyone you interact with now and then, you’ll see them looking to change their name and you can stop it if it’s worth it. Also, some of the top people who others might not want names changed on will be monitored by bots so they don’t get to.
In real life you can change your name. But sure, if Bill Gates changed his name, everyone would know about it.

This is all well and good if alts weren’t a thing. As it stands a name change certificate wouldn’t really matter especially if your character showed previous names. EVE is the least personal game I can think of because you don’t even know if you’re fighting an alt most of the time.

All this talk about doing some crazy backstab and everyone knowing who you are is bs cause you can just buy/inject a new char on the market after selling/uninjecting yours.

Yes, the real reason for no name change seems to be that CCP knows people will spend a lot more PLEX on skill extractor transfers, or they’ll sell their character.

However, there’s a lot of us who don’t want to do that before we want to keep our history with the name change, and they’re missing out on getting that money.

Go check my post.

I’m detailling conditions and possible counters of Character name change :slight_smile:

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