Hi all,
I ended up in a discussion, where I went back and found this attempt at a Linux client by CCP Snorlax and went over how convoluted it USED to be to install EVE on Linux.
Are there any CCP developers who are currently carrying a torch for Linux?
Possible benefits to CCP and the general player base embraced by these companies (including Microsoft):
- Server - daily reboots would no longer be necessary.
- Server - better CPU scheduler and less hardware overhead.
- Server - better database options, load balance and so forth.
- Server - direct control for bespoke solutions, such as distributed DNS with fastest route instead of first available in network protocols.
- Server - better security, less exploits and zero days.
- Client - seamlessly opening up the Steam Deck market, which has sold multiple millions of units and Valve looks geared up for another big push.
Done right, we might even be able to remove TiDi.

(Personally, I would love some help and insights from the other side, to iron out a few bugs with the launcher and 300+ pilot battles between us).
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Your heart is in the right place, but changing the OS won’t do much to fix some of the architecural issues.
A N^2 query on MS-SQL will have the same basic data load as one on PostgreSQL.
CCP can have a hot mess of MS-SQL, Windows Millenium and Vista on the back end for all I care, as long as it works. Client side? With the impending dropping of support for windows 10 in october, it would be nice to leave the toxic microsoft ecosystem behind with CCP’s help, rather than utter indifference.
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PostgreSQL is better at managing the data between hosts, therefore node balancing would be more efficient.
There also seem to be some logic flaws, for example, the Industry window should not open and freeze like it is querying the entire database for a few rows as results.
A move of infrastructure might promote some re-writing and fixes.
P.S. I hate Microsoft when I work with their products and I am indifferent when I don’t. I became a Linux gamer because I was working in a mixed environment, the Linux servers simply kept doing their jobs, the Windows Fail Over clusters were a constant daily slog of fire fighting and temporary fixes because you were at Microsoft’s mercy until they deigned to patch it.
I don’t think Connection Broker nor Search Index has worked properly in any of their server versions since 2003. Hyper-V is an etch and sketch toy compared to QEMU/KVM and VMware, “but it is a Microsoft product. It must be best for hosting!” 
Coming home and gaming on Linux gave me the mental breathing room to tackle the IT hellscape the next day.
I strongly recommend going through the 2-6 months of learning Linux to do the same if anyone works in any Windows infrastructure role. It is on par with touch typing for what a massive improvement it makes upon one’s quality of life.
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So … back on point … does anyone know if there are there any Linux friendly CCP devs left?
Yes, using Linux magically fixes the daily restart requirement and suddenly we can play EVE on Steam Deck. That’s some mighty fine statements you made there which surely make a whole lot of sense, somewhere.