Gotta be honest here, without this thread I wouldn’t have known about that 1mil SP for $4.99. Thanks OP for bitching and getting my Drone Skill to level 5 plus some for the cost of a cheeseburger. Feels good man.
OP is right. This SP pack can make a big difference to new players and increasing retention. I hope CCP shares some statistics with us soon. Keep up the good work CCP.
Who is “us”?
All i see are half a dozen complainers that are complaining complains about a non-issue just to have something to complain about…
“You” are not “us”…
Great little pack, a fiver for 1mill sp that I can use all of it as all my accounts over 80mill sp:) Got a pack for all my acounts
That is a “Starter pack” What you might be needing is the “Adventurer” or the Veteran pack.
I must ask again since i haven’t heard a reasonable answer yet…
What is so freaking bad about getting free,or at least cheap,stuff?
Is it the fact that you didn’t get it as you were noobs(“the last time eve was great” for sure because in the past anything was better) so some kind of jealousy?
This would be pointless because you can get it too…
Or is it that you don’t want to grant anyone their treats,not even noobs,for the same reason?
It must be something so i’m curious,please enlighten me…
Talking from a casual/newbie position, who after half a year “just” gets into the game I find it necessary for CCP to make training time lesser. I personaly would love to see some global reduction in time, but from marketing point of view that’s absurd. To sell skillpoints is the way it is and you have to accept it or leave, it’s not your game no matter how many accs you plex.
Honestly, I like the small game, flying frigs to cruisers, so I can live with it the way it is, my form of pvp is the pure encounter. If I blow the ship, good, but not important as I at least get the site to clear if I make them leave. And if I manage to get away with my ship and loot, also good, that’s also victory. If you need 10 accs to satisfy your needs, that’s your mania, but not the endgame.
It’s nice to get 10k of SP free for doing what you basicaly do anyway, cutting 11 hours from my queue, but I can live without it as well. Same goes for a starter pack. If you’re willing to put out extra money to get a fracture of skills, good for you and good for the company, but in the end of the day it’s no big difference as this game is not just about “skill queue online”, but social interaction, loss and destruction, politics, trade, exploration, fun… Skills are just mere tools to scale up what you already do anyway.
Enjoy the small things and you will be always happy.
Guys like you are not the problem here…
Guys like the bittervets that are questioning everything that was not live “when eve was great last time(2003 as i mentioned)” are because they are loudmouthed and seem to think “their game” is “the game” which is absurd.
You get it.
You may live
Death is irrelevant as I am immortal.
Immortal like The Highlander or the other kind?
Who are those old man and why do they look so angry?
Oh its another on of those threads.
This is what happens to a game when it runs this long.
I have no yellow skin at least…something positive…
They are angry because of the bs on this forum. Don’t make them angry, buy starter pack!
Oh boy, how easy is it to turn to the troll side of the forum. Oh well, too much time at work
Why not recieve 1 sp for every frigate npc kill,10sp for ever cruiser,100sp for every battlecruiser and 1000 for any npc battleship kill?
Or even better 1 plex for every npc kill regardless of class…
Would be glorious…
After some nerds yell’d to unsub their 83747884 accounts, CCP needed a strategy…
DLC at 5$ is born TADAM!
With this starter pack at 5$ for 1M SP they was able to brag “Record of players connected since years” at TIS “Blackout is OP!” blablasblabla
Market strategy for dummies…
I stand corrected.