CCP stop those annoying NPC Mining fleets

Don’t give a flying f**k, i’m paying, i’m having fun and i’m not concerned about the future of the game. You are not happy with that?

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Everything…it’s simply outdated and has no chance to have succes on the market 2018/2019…

Your puny alliance should be banned forever just for coming up with this crap

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We don’t care

See…? That’s the problem…CCP will…

Mine, of course…

We don’t care, we play.

I haven’t logged in since August

So I’m pretty sure I don’t give a flying fork if people are leaving or not.

I’m not their mother, if they want to leave it’s their choice. But I’ll keep laughing at them if it wasn’t because of rl :joy:

Than you will have to quit the game…

you will enforce this of course

This “crap” is what was asked of CCP lmao

Go cry to them for making Mining Permits a thing :joy:

Well it is…nobody WANTS this crap in todays MMOG world…EVE is outdated and HAS to change even if you do not like the fact…

Nobody cares

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Yes,but it’s 2019 and crap like this is not market compatible anymore

right…reality and the mmog market will force CCP to give up their crappy decision they made 2003…there is no need to ask for …:slight_smile:

Yeah nah
Sod off you little snowflake

@CCP_Falcon this thread is a trainwreck (as is op)


Well…goodbye than?

Wishful thinking will not help here…the facts are on the table and CCP will have to react to it…like it or not…

Sure, you pay for the party ?

No,the one that leaves has to pay :slight_smile: