CCP You failed again

By introducing structures without learning and changing mechanics from the past. CCP knows that people will bring N+1 to the single most important point of action because the other side brings N+1 to the single most important point of action. CCP introduced a damage cap to “disincentivize people from bringing N+1 because it’s not necessary” but completely ignores that it is still absolutely essential to bring N+1 anyway because you cannot do anything else but go to that single point to achieve the goal.

Since you mentioned Aegis sov: Yes, this is what they should have done to Keepstars as well. They should spawn nodes in the constellation (or even the same system because the lag is much less problematic on grids with fewer people) so that people have to fight over these nodes in several locations instead of fighting on one single grid. If you had to control majority of the nodes that spawned for a set amount of time to make the KS explode, you could not sit on one single point. You would have to have more smaller fleets going around or setting up in the systems to get these nodes. The group with the most people still has an advantage and it would also not remove N+1 but it would spread it. You can still have big battles over such a node but other people from your group could go move around in the other systems or other grids in system to take the nodes where no titanic battle rages.

There is all the points in the world to do so. Simply because CCP refuses to learn and change their systems according to our actions.