Your vision of capships was flawed from the outset. I knew this from the beginning, but hey, I got used to not being listened to a long time ago.
You envisioned capships to be ‘special toys of the big boys’ (nullsec alliances) in special areas of space (null). Hell, for a while they couldn’t even dock anywhere at all, and had to be left floating in space. Even today, it’s somewhat of a pain to dock them, depending on the size of the capship. And, they can’t even come into highsec.
This was dumb. It’s obvious that there should be no ‘special toys’ for ‘special players’ in ‘special areas of space.’ All toys in the game should be available to all, and available for use in all areas of space. It was obvious back then. It is even more obvious now.
I have no problem with the blackout. I’m fine with there being more danger in Eve. The problem is, when the blackout is coupled with your stupid vision of what capships are supposed to be, it makes them unusable and un-flyable for anyone not willing to be a Goon or a TEST monkey. Well, some of us got into capships the old-fashioned way, without using injectors. Some of us had to sacrifice plenty of other skills so that we could get into capships. I don’t begrudge others their playstyles, but I don’t want mine begrudged either. But thanks anyway for crapping all over my playstyle.
So what to do? Retarget the capship audience. Capships should not be special toys for special groups in special areas of space. They should be general tools available to all, in all areas of space. So…
I can hear the whines already.
“But… but… but… that’s not fair! A capship could kill me in highsec, and I wouldn’t be able to defend myself!” If a capship kills you in highsec, the pilot would lose the capship to CONCORD.
“Waaah! Waah! Capships would be too safe in highsec! Nothing should be safe anywhere in Eve, including highsec! Waaah!” Capships would be vulnerable to the same tactics that freighters and other ships are vulnerable to in highsec, which is basically being ganged-up on by a larger number of small cheap ships. It seems they would also be vulnerable to other capships. Finally, if for whatever reason, normal game mechanics wouldn’t be enough to provide enough danger to capships, it would be easy to program CONCORD to delay their response to a capship being attacked.
Other mechanics could also be implemented, if necessary. For instance, maybe a capship gets some kind of suspect timer when jumping from lowsec or nullsec into highsec. Maybe wardec’ed capships can’t enter highsec. For what reasons? I don’t know. I don’t know all the objections people will raise, I just know they will raise them. This is simply an effort to show that there are no insurmountable obstacles to change capships from special tools usable only by special groups in special areas of space, to generic tools useable by all in all areas of space.
Self-explanatory, and in-keeping with the other suggestions.
I already left the game, along with a friend who has the same issues (no, you can’t have our stuff). We are currently unsubbed and are happily playing other games. Our issues are your effective removal of our usage of capships from the game - capships which we skilled for a couple of years to get into. There are some players who don’t enjoy flying around in frigates or cruisers. We don’t begrudge ‘nano-gangers’ their playstyle. But we don’t want to be begrudged our playstyle either. Yet it was begrudged all the same. Make capships tools of the masses, and of individual players, instead of just special toys for special players in special areas of space, and you may see some players return.
No, we were not and are not ‘F1 monkeys,’ and we never participated in ‘supercap umbrellas’ or anything of the sort. No, this is not a plea to benefit the ‘big boys’ out in nullsec. Rather, it is the opposite. It is a plea to make the ships generically-usable and available by all players in all areas, rather than just special toys of special players in special areas, which was a terrible idea from the start.