CCPlease Reimagine Capships

How exactly does taking away or gimping caps make the game better?

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I think I love you Ramona … Caps are a game killer. No need for them at all.

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I say this in every cap thread (and thread which ends up talking about caps).

Capitals have lost their niche, in every possible sense. They generally all engage the same targets, have the same strengths and the same weaknesses.

Capital ships should excel at destroying structures. They should do this by engaging the structure from outside of its own engagement range. If it came to a knife fight, the structure should generally win.

  • Carriers should all become fax. Supers should have heavy bombers, used for launching sorties against capital ships and structures, and superiority fighters for anti-super work. Their weakness, as it is now, should be getting defanged. Their strength is their range. Their ‘balance’ is lower relative damage.

  • Dreads should be long range gun platforms. 500-1000km. Their tracking should be sufficient that, while sieged and potentially bumped, they can impart their full damage to a structure. While sieged and stationary, they should be able to impart most of their damage to a cap and all of their damage to a super. Their weakness is they have a shorter range and siege module. Their strength is their inability to be defanged. Their balance is ‘moderate’ relative damage.

  • Titans should have no “guns”. They should have their DD and their fleet assistance. Barring that, short range weapons with sufficient tracking to hit structures (but NOT capitals), as they are able to receive fleet assistance, offering a suitable “knife fight” option against structures if you really want to get in their face.

  • Fax need continued work on ensuring that N+1 is not a valid strategy. So long as it is, powerblocs will just keep stacking faxes. There is progress here, and it is a good start.

  • Structure DPS caps should be massively increased across the board. Subcaps should not be able to viably reinforce a defended structure outside of highsec. That means a higher EHP, a higher minimum DPS, and a higher maximum dps. The same time requirement, but unless you have an utterly stupid number of subs, you should need capitals.

  • Structures should be able to utterly face-rape subs. Their dps application against subs should be high, things like void bombs should be a thing that will royally screw a logistics wing.

Subcaps should have to work to kill capitals (capitals have high EHP). But, they should also not be under any real threat from capitals, provided they sig tank appropriately. If the subs are retarded, they should still die. If the caps are unsupported, they should eventually die.

Thus, at the end of the day, subs and caps are needed in any structure fight. Subs protect caps, caps attack the structure. Either fails without the other.


So why are you here.

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Well thats why ive been proposing for years now. Doomsday frigates. Disposable frigates that deal and target only capital ships, that fire a single shot of a doomsday weapon, then need to be repaired.

But its so stupid. You dont seem to understand the vast difference in EHP between a full buffer Hel, for example, and everything else currently residing in hisec.

Lets take a look at the comparison between, the most EHP intensive ship in hisec, a jump freighter, with a Buffer Hel.

An Anshar with bulkhead 2s equipped, has around 900K EHP. Lets round that up to 1 million EHP. It takes around 20-30 stealth bombers to take down an anti-tanked anshar in .5 space, which means its gonna take atleast 30 for a fully tanked anshar to be taken down, most likely more.

A buffer fit Hel, has around 13.4 million EHP, but lets round that down to 13 million. So it will take 13 times the DPS to kill the Hel than it does to kill the anshar.

So 13 times 30, is around 390 pilots. Thats a sh*t ton of pilots. Lets double the Concord response time, for some reason, to 40 seconds in 0.5 space. Thats still going to be around 190, 200 pilots. This is Burn jita levels of participation.

How much isk is this going to take, you ask? Well, each Stealth Bomber right now, equipped with just torp launchers and ballistics, costs around 40 million isk. Thats 8 billion isk worth of ships to take down a Hel.

Do you honestly think people will put that much effort into something like that, even beyond once a month? Burn Jita only occurs once a year, remember.


How much is said Hel going to be worth? Not that isk equivalence is a metric that should be used for balance… but you bring it up as a huge sum.

Long ago, in the days of Yore™, there was rumor, and even an Eve Chronicle hinting at it, of a “Sky Mother” project.

Some speculated that this might be a moving station - imagine a citadel that can warp or teleport/jump. Kind of like the castle from the movie “Krull”.

Then the Krabs took over.


Perhaps something besides stealth bombers should be used? Perhaps CONCORD response time for capships should be adjusted? Perhaps there are plenty of other ways to deal with the issue?

Again, it’s dumb to treat capships specially and differently than any other ship. It’s moronic. I get that you don’t like capships. That’s fine, I don’t like frigates, and never trained any beyond whatever was needed to get to battleships and beyond. But the difference between me and all the other posters here is, I don’t care to ban frigates from certain areas of space, or make frig pilots’ lives miserable.

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But they are special and different than any other ship, for reasons outlined in this thread.



Its ok, he wants several of the basic rules of Hisec and the game in general changed because its so wildly outbalanced without caps in hi, apparently.

Best way to balance em is remove em.


13 bill empty right now, maybe 16 with fittings. Using my knowledge of Delve prices so may be a bit more expensive, as Delve is cheap as F.

As a comparison, 30 stealth bombers costs around 1.2 bill but a jump freighter costs 10 bill, empty. I didnt bring up the cost of the Hel, because like a Jump freighter, you can point to a jump freighter thats empty, and a moving Hel with all purple mods that costs 40 bill.

But yes, even when considering the base price of the hulls involved, the cost is so out of balance.

I like it - I think it has too many rules that restrict gameplay. Complicating the game is a very bad ccp habit - and this is not progress but regression. In the old days it was fun - the game was simpler and fun - people should not waste their time on senseless things - an example. Once you could transport supplies with dreads, iterons packed cargo and iterons with dreads - it was cool, and what do we have now? ■■■■. tones of ships and no one good ship i could use as a base. Carriers and thair cargo for ships is meme.
Bigger ships cant doct to stations - roles roles roles… and more roles if you dont have enough roles.
It is the same with other rules that complicate the game, which becomes just a time-consumer like a typical Korean mmo.

Interesting that Super Caps were supposed to be so expensive that hardly anyone would want to build them.

Great way to make sure they don’t become too oppressive in the game. :roll_eyes:

Edit: Still remember the frequent whine about Motherships being mostly useless.

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ummm, how about no.

The reason why stealth bombers are used is because they provide one of the best DPS to cost ratio. What else is there? Tornados cost twice as much but only provide a measly 100, 150 dps increase. Or should we use Faction battleships at 10 times the price and a 400 dps increase?

I did. I doubled concord response times, from 20 to 40 seconds. To bring it down to other ships in line like the Anshar, Concord response times would need to be 3, 4 minutes. Would you be alright with that?

Such as? The whole premise of ganking is that it can occur anywhere, any time, as long as you are away from the stations. Other recommendations, like providing a temporary suspect flag, are meaningless, because those already exists in the current system, unless youre suggesting that they be suspect flagged forever, all the time, while in hisec. And I doubt you would agree with accepting such terms for a capital ship to enter or stay in hisec.

I love capital ships. I own three supers, and many more regular carriers and Faxes and dreads. Dont assume that i Hate them just because i disagree with your idea.

But its also kind of dumb to ask for capital ships to enter hisec without proposing a decent countermeasure to them, that is also reasonable.

Your whole “Capships would be vulnerable to the same tactics… …basically being ganged-up on by a larger number of small cheap ships” completely undermines your position as you have no handle or grasp on just how much of a difference the EHP can be in a Supercarrier versus a Jump freighter. And if CCP wanted to, they could change a Jump Freighters EHP to 10 million. Easily. But they dont, because they understand ganking, whats reasonable, and whats not.

If you dont understand a system mechanic, ask, before you post your idea. You will look less moronic, that way.

Allow caps in high sec, but they’re permanently suspect flagged while they’re there.

Should be okay.

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Should flag wardeccable to yes

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Thats your opinion though, and as soon as the supers are used against you, im sure your opinion will change as quickly as the losses you will endure. We shouldnt impliment something for simplicities sake, making something simpler will make it easier, but not necessarily better.