CCP's botting excuse for the market changes is false

It was a helpful answer.

Im not really arguing, just trying to figure out why this change has people so upset.

True, but I’m in the expensive skin markets, so that won’t work for me… Every change is now excruciating… Lol…

You meant opinion/assumption ?

I do, just for the sake of the salt on the forum :smiley:

I agree with you that if it’s bad, they will likely change it.
But this needs to be running for a few months at first. So maybe people who can’t accept to adapt will have left until then … or adapted.


lol ?
This kind of change had been asked for years.
Just like the warp speed increase.
They thought out many of the issues that were present with the propositions, and actually at the same time fixed the “margin trading”. They are removing bot-behavior from players, which means the game is healthier for the players (less of an addiction to small actions that give you a random reward). They are balancing the players structure market.

They are like killing three bird with a a kitchen stone.

Absence of proof is not the proof of the absence.

Tinfoil hat !!! WEAR IT !!

Where exactly did CCP say that their goal was to prevent bots ?

Or you’re just VERY bad.

BS. It’s completely trivial matter to do, once you have the bricks to make it (interact with window).

What’s your question actually ?

When you place an order, it has an internal order ID. If you modify it, and/or people complete a part of it, the order appears as changed on the next market tick (30s for ingame, 5 min for ESI or something like that).

How small are we talking here? Anything I cant sell to corp or allies gets put on like that, only difference is I dont bother updating it at all. If it sells, cool, if not its still dumpable.

Oh, sorry… I’m in the big skin markets, so every little change is now extremely painful…

I guess its actually that I need to compare starting a new order over modifying an existing one now, and see which is cheaper. It makes no sense if changing it is more expensive than placing it

It’s not. The additional cost is a part of the broker fee, that you pay when setting your order.

It’s always better to update rather than remove and recreate, unless you intend to split your stack by … 5? 10 ?

Well, they didn’t. They only gave us a few sentences to speculate on (the second post has a link to the dev blog), which some people are interpreting as meaning that they did it to fight bots. So, I don’t know. Could be the case. Could be security theater. Could be something else entirely.

These changes will positively impact the market, and better support fair competitive trade between players. Once again, the commitment to fighting botting in all its forms in EVE is absolutely firm, and moving forward with these changes means that the market and the player behavior involved will be closely monitored once these changes are live and in your hands.

No. They gave your their point of view.

That you want it to mean something else, only talks about you. If then you reach the conclusion that “this makes no sense”, then most likely you were wrong somewhere in your assumptions.

“From wrong, you can deduce anything”

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That’s exactly right… The problem is that once you place it, any change will be a significant loss…so the intent is that you intelligently place the order… The problem is that once you place it, subsequent undercutting orders have the potential to keep your order there until it expires, thus incurring a significant loss regardless…

Stop 0.1in an hav som fun with (s)killin now? :thinking:

It was my understanding that the new charges got larger the more you relist?

Edit: even if not, it still sounds like large ticket slow movers should remain in contracts

No, they add up.

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Sorry, Im not following you.

Do you mean the fees add up?

Increasing the cost of relisting the order, I should have said, I guess. I just thought what they charged you increased in percent each time.

That’s true…any change is now a significant loss… So the intent is for players to smartly place it, leave it, and not change it… I don’t believe that this about bots or automated market order changers, but rather to stop players from laying on their orders to keep them on top…

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Even compared to making a new identical order, though?

If your broker fee is 1%, you’ll have to pay at least 0.25% of the new order price (time the remaining volume) each relist.

You place 50 item at 200 isk SO. You pay 1% broker, so 50 × 200 × 1 /100 = 100isk.
THEN you update it to 150 isk : you pay 50 × 150 × 0.25 / 100 = 18.75 isk.
THEN you update it to 100 isk : you pay 50 × 100 × 0.25 / 100 = 12.5 isk.
Now you sell your batch : you get 50 × 100 = 5 000isk , you pay a part in tax (3% ?) ; and you PAID to broker 100 + 18.75 + 12.5 isks

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A new order is going to cost the same in fees… It’s changing it after it has been placed that is going to be costly…even with the new advanced broker skills trained…

Set your prices right the first time and you won’t have to change them…

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Yeah, I get that too, Im saying that presumably there is a point when thhe cost of changing it alone becomes higher than just listing a new stack, yeah?