That was never said and stating untrue remarks like that is what initiates a forum flame war. Main reason for posting untrue stuff is to derail the thread and cause it to be locked.
Then what was the purpose of pointing out I only had less than 2 years in game?
To present me as a lovable newb?
Or to undermine my posts by saying they arnt relevant because I can’t understand the game?
I’m curious
Can’t have a fire without fuel and you seem obsessed to continue pouring fuel onto this fire, especially since it didn’t even involve you until you jumped into it out of the blue.
I don’t know if CCP still does it but a while back they use to ban players for bashing new players here on the forums. Making statements like you did could be perceived as being factual and cause undue ban action.
Anyway, I’m not gonna get into a long drawn out debate over this.
Have a nice day.
As far as I am concerned it is factual and part of a pattern
This is how shipwrecked was described
And then
Two clear examples. And given the context of the discussion it seems a bit hypocritical given it’s this kind of behaviour shipwrecked is railing against and this poster claims it doesn’t exist. But statements like these seem to make him/her the embodiment of it.
If a person is expressing an opinion about how PvP works, I’d ask about their PvP record.
If a person is telling me that FW is broken, I’d ask how much FW they’ve done.
If a person is telling me they know what’s what about “bitter vets” I’d ask them how many of the real, historical bitter vet issues since about 2006 they’ve been around for. Neither you nor Shipwreck qualify.
So in that case, I ask both of you to provide actual facts, links, examples to support your statements. I’m telling you you can weigh in on the convo if you’ve done your homework or can demonstrate you know what you’re talking about.
Shipwreck provided one quote from a ganker.
You replied with “you can’t tell me to shut up!”.
Facts. Not opinions. Especially not unsupported opinions.
It’s amazing how many people have trouble with that divide.
Bitter vetting is not an EVE specific thing, it’s not even a gaming specific thing. Calling someone super new on perceived game mechanics is defendable, calling someone on general things to then say “dude you just played 2 years” is silly.
If someone is outing some racist remarks and someone else points that out it makes very little sense to go “dude, you played this game for 2 months, you can’t possibly know or recognise what being racist means”.
It seems you are hiding behind language here. You seem to think “bitter vet” has some exclusive meaning in eve. That may well be the case for you. But to the rest of the worlds population the words bitter vet mean……. A veteran that is bitter.
You do not have exclusivity on the use of that phrase or how it is used. To say because I wasn’t around in 2006 means I’m not allowed to make comment on behaviour that I see happening right now is …………… what’s the word I’m looking for ……. Bannanas? Insane? Ridiculous? All of those?
There are plenty of examples of veterens in eve that are bitter. Just go visit the original mining blog thread and count how many vets are in there using extremely abusive language.
@Shipwreck_Jones is completely right in what he says that in most cases these vets should know better and the way they choose to complain can have a damaging effect on the game and the community.
Looking at mining thread you sometimes see posts like………
“CCP I don’t like these changes please consider rolling back these changes”
Which is reasonable.
But you also get
“OMG CCP do you even know your own game. You are all idiots and incompetent why would you do this to my Orca. The game is dying. Im Unsubbing my 15 accounts and I hope everyone else does to. CCP only want subs and so on and so one”
There were even a couple that bordered on threats of violence
So right off the bat the game isn’t dying. But a newbie isn’t going to know that. The newbie just sees the toxic posts and may or may not be influenced by them. Ultimately it’s not a good look and will have an impact. And once it becomes the norm and accepted (which arguably it already has) it just escalates
Now what I have taken from @Shipwreck_Jones posts is that the first example is fine and should be encouraged. Which I agree with. And the second example is an example of a “bitter vet”. Or for those of us not qualified to use that terminology……… a veteran that is bitter. This second is what he has been calling out over a number of threads. Which I agree with.
Now what I have taken from your posts is that the you simultaneously say the second example doesn’t exist and if it does exist is fine and has nothing to do with “bitter vets”. That you don’t agree that posts like this which often are based on incorrect information (again just look at the mining thread for people freaking out because they didn’t understand the waste mechanic) could colour peoples perception of the game and do damage?
Thank you for posting your valuable insights on EVE bitter vets with your 4 month old pilot.
Reading comprehension. I guess schools haven’t been teaching that for a while now, is that it?
At any rate, that’s enough thread derailment for me. Might do some folks good to google up real EVE ‘bitter vet’ issues if they want to understand what they’re talking about, though.
Everyone’s a misunderstood genius when the internet spits them out
Dude, this guys knows you re 2yo. You can’t hide it.
What it means I don’t know, it’s yet another fallacy, but one must eat what he find - or say what his brain can imagine.
What’s factual is that your character was created 1 1/2 yrs ago, immediately joined a player corp and went to Null Sec. Another fact is you joined this forum about 6 months ago and right from the start you’ve been very vocal with set viewpoints about Null Sec and High Sec ganking, definitely not representative of a new player.
Your posting history shows a pattern of you being very confrontational and antagonistic which also means you’re bitter too. After viewing your replies as well as the ‘liked’ and ‘liked by’ stats of your forum history, it’s easy to see which bandwagon you ride on. That also explains why you jumped in to White Knight for Shipwreck, even though he’s fully capable of defending himself.
Alt characters are the bane of Eve and the scourge of these forums, constantly creating a fake echo chamber in some warped attempt to portray their own opinion as a majority viewpoint. Post with your main…
CCP makes changes for the sake of making changes just to justify their jobs perhaps. Some of those changes are ill considered and unintentionally destroy some forms of playstyle. Over the months and years, this erodes the player base. As a consumer of CCP’s product, one cannot allow himself to care more about the product than CCP.
This is my main. Sorry to disappoint.
I ride on the bandwagon of common sense and decency. You know calling people like you out when you make claims that “All” CCP’s developers are incompetent. You know …………when you as a vet get really bitter and say untrue things based on said bitterness.
Heh, this reply from you as well as your posting history says otherwise…
Yeah, I’ve said CCP Developers are incompetent, and rightly so when it’s deserved. However I’ve never said “ALL” of them were incompetent and more importantly, I’ve also created threads praising CCP Developers for their work. Which is a lot more than what you’ve ever done.
Oh, you mean like what you just did… and do in almost every single reply you post here in the forums.
Yeah right, time to tell us another tall tale, that one is getting old.
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