Sorry but you’re laboring under a misconception here. “You are clueless” ie. “you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about” is a fact in this case, not a slur.
First, he’s confusing the term “bitter vet” with anyone complaining about EVE or CCP.
Second, he tries to mix in all sorts of “bad at EVE” behaviors with the term “bitter vet” when many of them have nothing at all to do with either being a vet or bitter.
Third, he’s on this crusade against bitter vets poisoning “the community” against EVE without anything to back it up.
Fourth, he hasn’t even been around long enough to know where “bitter vets” came from.
Fifth, the thing I called him “clueless” about was at least the third time he leapt to an unwarranted conclusion based on something I said. In this case, that because I objected to his incorrect usage of the term and his attempts to make it into a general smear label, that makes me a bitter vet.
Lastly, his thread was a toxic slur against people posting their opinions in the forums, and rightly should have been locked as soon as it was posted. My replies in that thread are factual, evidence based, include actual definitions based on historical usage, and simply ask Shipwreck to back up his claims with evidence.
I call a spade a spade. (Which apparently isn’t PC anymore, because literally thousands of years after the phrase was invented, “spade” became a racial slur (Call a spade a spade - Wikipedia).
When someone makes up “facts” out of whole cloth to support their argument, I call them on it and link real facts. That’s why Destiny avoids me and pretends not to read my posts.
When someone does something foolish, I call them a fool and outline why. I don’t just resort to “hur durr wtf you got pwnzord ROFLMAO” trolling like some frequent posters do.
And when those same people post something reasonable, I give them a like and treat that individual post with the respect it deserves. Because it’s a forum for posting and evaluating the quality of the posts, not a substitute-battleground for people who can’t get their conflict-jollies in the game.
People take criticism as vicious personal attacks these days, it seems. It isn’t. It’s a wake-up call to review your thoughts.
Ship’s thread got locked because it was about attacking members of the community based on virtually no evidence, I’d guess. Me asking for facts to support his viewpoint isn’t the reason for it.