I don’t believe a significant number of PvP players are unwilling to upload killmails to zkillboard. zkillboard is a more credible source of information than the MER, and third-party websites consistently have more accurate data than CCP.
It’s worth noting that many gankers deliberately don’t link their killboards so that they can reduce how many losses show up then they just manually post kills. So for ganking in particular zkillboard will be less accurate on total kills.
I’d like to see you prove one of your statements.
Although it’s true that a few gankers don’t upload meaningless NPC killmails to zkillboard, it is not true that individuals are failing to upload PvP killmails.
Go look at some ganker killboards. Their killboard should almost always show a loss for each kill (outside of multi-kills, hence the ‘almost’). Many don’t.
Aiko is an example of someone with a linked killboard. Look at someone like the “of several” group that ganks in Gheth or the Clipped Wingz guys, killboard not linked.
Calm down miner.
People can upload killmails manually.
Didn’t say they can’t, just that they don’t have to hence the figures you think are real being nothing more than a picture people want to paint. Now back to being ignored with you. I have no interest in you trying to troll an argument out of everyone.
Are you trying to pretend that gankers are hiding secret ganks?
zKillboard needs either the attacker or the defender’s corp or toon in order to record the kill, so denying PVP increased with this isn’t definitive.
I’d like to see interfering with a war with logi go back to being a suspect level offense though.
As for 17709% increase in navy ship production… I find it difficult to take at face value and that’s probably a case of someone misplacing a decimal point. Unless they new navy ships which didn’t exist more count (which would inflate the number of “new” ships) and even that wouldn’t make up the difference.
Do you really believe there is a secret society of super active PvP samurai, and none of them ever upload their kills or losses to zkillboard?
What alliances are they with?
Just look at some guys who never left their starting corp who killed others in other starting corps. I don’t think there is a whole lot of them, but given that some gankers aren’t even primarily profit gankers but alts of someone who wants to attack a party without being identified on his main and there has got to be some of them. I am aware some people do gank on their main and plenty do gank for the dropped loot. The only one who know for sure if there are more or less would be CCP and you can’t really disprove them.
Me neither.
Then how are their kills showing up?
The Offspring - You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid (With Lyrics) - YouTube
I’ll give this kid credit, he’s persistent. If he played the game as hard as he whines, he would be the richest player in eve!
And with 100 alts, who know how long it will go on.
Your belief is, in this case, wrong. People who care about zKill, use it and post and whatnot. People who don’t, don’t!
…don’t PvP.
Hehe that might be true, but I’ve talked to quite a few people that don’t upload stuff, I didn’t upload quite a few of my losses.
You copy the external kill link from the kill in-game then post it using the “Post” link on zkillboard.
Where have I whined? I just pointed out why the stats on zkb will be different from the MER for gankers then I gave you examples when you asked. You’re now insulting me. Seems like you’re the emotional one here.
The EvE forums.
It shouldn’t be a source of huge discrepancy. Some, but certainly not the gap that Aiko is seeing.
If a ganker dies to CONCORD and doesn’t post the loss, then it won’t appear on zkillboard, but also doesn’t appear in the MER data either.
The MER doesn’t track NPC-only kills. It only tracks player-involved kills.
For example, looking at Catalyst losses in Uedama last month, the MER reports only 10 Catalysts in player-involved losses:
Yet look any day at zkillboard and on most days there’ll be more Catalyst losses then that, that are NPC-only:
However, you can also see that each of those 10 player-involved Catalyst losses in Uedama last month are on zkillboard:
7th, 6th and 5th:
In most cases, anti-gankers that whore on CONCORD kills, then post the kills (or are linked) to zkillboard.
Additionally, zkillboard stats also only include pvp related numbers and not NPC-only kills.
So the alignment between zkillboard and the MER shouldn’t be that far out for pvp related killmails and neither stats are affected by NPC-only losses.
zkillboard only has killmails generated by the killmail server, as it’s source of data.
The MER uses the same source of data, but doesn’t miss any. Every player-involved killmail ends up in the MER, but not all of them end up on zkillboard.
The difference between zkillboard and the MER for many ships is small. Here is a comparison over the first 6 months of last year, but the figures hold when you go back and/or forward further also:
However, for some ships, the data on zkillboard isn’t anywhere near as good.
Overall, we know that zkillboard receives between 40-50% of all killmails generated in the game, but most of the missing killmails are losses purely to NPCs and often new players that aren’t linked to zkillboard - hence why the real griefers causing new players to quit, are NPCs. They indiscriminately kill with no benefit to themselves and don’t even take the time to teach the new players what they did wrong or how to get better. NPCs are true scumbags respponsible for more loss of new players than any pvp related activity is.
This begs the question, why there is a significant discrepancy between the MER and zkillboard? I find it improbable that a large number of active PvP players are not uploading their killmails. A few, accidentally, sure. A small number, intentionally, perhaps. However, thousands per month, with neither participant using the site?
I think it is more likely that CCP’s internal data is incorrect, as we know to be the case, based upon their consistent inability to accurately price ingame items. Third party sources are more accurate, and this bad internal data may be one of the reasons that CCP has made so many bad decisions. Garbage in = Garbage out. It’s been observed that we can’t “prove” this to be the case, but we can certainly infer it.