Challenge: What is best ship in EVE?

Like title say, you think best ship is…? Give reason why!

Best answer get 1 billion Isk + free Catalyst.

May best poster win!

The Talwar





It’s not my favorite, and it won’t win any beauty contests, but the overall best ship in the game is the ubiquitous… Venture!

It helps drive the EVE economy. It’s configurable for mining, combat, exploration. It’s cheap, it’s widely available, easy to get or build your own. It’s reasonably fast, reasonably slippery (warp core bonus), doesn’t need any bling to be be effective in multiple roles.

It’s among the top ships showing on Zkillboard regardless of security region - it’s used everywhere. Useful to noobs and vets alike. It completes your daily AIR Opportunities with grace and panache. It has an ore bay! It has drones! It slices, dices, and juliennes!

When you’re down and out, and on your last half million ISK… the dependable, hard-working Venture is the ship that will get you back on the road to riches. Like a loyal dog, it’ll be there for you through thick and thin, ready to follow you down any road.

Ladies and gentlepods, let’s hear it for the humble but mighty Venture!


Newbies have this idea (and for obvious reasons) that if the game gives you a ship in your first few hours it’s probably crap and you need to “level up” from it quickly. Explaining to them that the Venture is OP as hell is always funny.


I perfer the bigger boy, The Procuror.

People underestimate it :smiley:

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“How do I get a better ship than the Venture?”

The Venture is a good ship, use it.


Any ship you can fit two X-Large Ancillary Shield Boosters and a Shield Boost Amplifier to is the best ship in Eve. Which, so far, I have found works with Gnosis and Rokh…and there may be others.

Also, in terms of sheer versatility vs cost, the Gnosis is undoubtedly the best ship in Eve. For example my Gnosis fits can deliver 220 DPS just from the drones. Sure there are drone boats that deliver more, but they tend to focus solely on drone DPS…whereas I can have my 220 DPS drones and have 750 DPS from lasers, for example.

And sheer cheapness. Equivalent DPS and drone power in a Phantasm will cost you 300m ISK…you can get all that in a Gnosis for 80m ISK.


I’m not vying for any prize so I’m going to say Leviathan. I like all the Caldari ships but that one would make me swoon.
I love anything big and that ship is super BIG!!

Best ship is the Cockroach: Drops the Polaris Enigma Frigate


That reminds me of this excellent video. I think there’s a few Eve ships in this list…

Osprey Navy Issue.
Three launchers with the power of six.
Two utility high slots, soo many fun things to do here, pvp, salvage, exploring, mining.
Six mid slots…super tank, super gank, or even a little hybrid passive/active pve shield goodness.
Four lows, for a missile ship, this is primo, add a nano, bigger cargo hold, relays of all sorts…even perhaps a missile computer, heck slap a fourth BCS for the tiniest bit of extra pow.
They are faster than a Caracal.
My favorite part is how ugly they are, and the cool jump animation.
Wooooooo, vote Nosprey!!

There is no best ship. I’ve had as much fun screwing with players using an Orca, Noctis as I have popping them with combat ships. The last good thrill I had was in a DST with 2 well flown Cat’s on my tail. Watching Netflix won’t get you out of that one. :wink:

If someone posts “friendship” I’m going to vomit…


I agree the Venture is the best ship in this game. Not only cheap ( some are free ) this tanky mining vessel will see you through many game missions.

Need proof?

That is ALL the losses in my corp. The 3 alpha princesses have flown battleships on down and the mighty Venture proves to be the best. The last Venture lost was back in August while Coma was gas mining in 0.2 LS and I had to go potty. However that ship made more than enough ISK before it was destroyed to replace itself 10 times over.

Fly a Venture and fly safe,

Have fun!

The Vagabond Navy Issue.

They already did so you can start right now.

:wink: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:


Thus could make its way into its own thread.

Had you noticed lately that highsec gankers are trying to reassure each other that they are friends with each other!

Talk about word vomit….